Wilson lied again today in his press conference when he said that nothing he found in Niger supported the Bush administration's contention that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium.
Here we have the reason why the left pretended to be upset about the outting of a non-covert CIA employee; Wilson was lying to the American public that Bush lied and that served the Democrat's purpose. Never mind the fact that it is Wilson who lied:
The panel found that Wilson's report, "rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, actually bolstered the case for most intelligence analysis."
To this day, British intelligence maintains that Saddam Hussein sought uranium in Africa, recently underlined by a report from The Financial Times of London. The British government states "European intelligence officers have now revealed... human and electronic intelligence sources from a number of countries picked up repeated discussion of an illicit trade in uranium from Niger." The New York Times paraphrased the above with a clear-cut story titled: "Intelligence Backs Claim Iraq Tried to Buy Uranium." The essay leaves no doubt as to the claim of Bush in January 2003 that Saddam Hussein was not only was trying to procure uranium, but had been for years.
Wilson misled the Washington Post in June 2003, when he told the paper that the Niger intelligence was based on documents that had clearly been forged because "the dates were wrong and the names were wrong." In fact, Wilson had never seen the reports.
When the Senate committee staff asked Wilson how he could have come to that conclusion, Wilson replied that he may have "misspoken" (See first paragraph) to reporters.
I wish we could all e-mail Simon and Schuster and let them know they are buying the words of a proven liar.
They wouldn't be pleased to know that the Senate Bipartisan Intelligence Committee determined that what Joe Wilson discovered in Niger actually bolstered the Bush administration's position that Iraq was trying to purchase yellowcake. Wilson told the Congress in closed session one thing and then left those meetings and lied to the American public.
Lots of links to that and more here:
And let's hope that Tony Snow is aware of those links and can counter the inevitable questions about this matter at the next press conference
These are just two out of many people who said that Wilson outed his own wife in the Fox Green Room in 2002: Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely and Lt. General Tom McInerney
And then there is the matter of the bios. Wilson published the NYT editorial stating that he had a project with the CIA (that focused on her particular area of expertise) which was in itself a significant risk to his wife's supposed cover because at least 3 of Wilson's bios on the internet listed Valerie Plame by name as his wife. One of those bios, dated 2002 can be found here.
And does anyone have a list of the Dem pols that one or both of the Wilsons met with before announcing the lawsuit?
did anyone bring this point (Wilson's trip to Niger was a failure) during the press conference????
Yes, that is right. He lies, and lies, and lies.
Great posts. Thanks for those links.
ABC News just played the audio clip of victim Plame whinning at the news conference of how the administration has destroyed their lives and put their safety in danger. Not a word by ABC quoting an administration rebuttal (maybe there hasn't been one yet; has Tony commented?)...