"It is you who provided inaccurate rebuttal."
How was his rebuttal incorrect?
You running shotgun for Dimensio? Or is that you don't think he can handle his own rhetoric and needs help?
100 Locate new crevo thread
105 Load stock of disruptive comments from [Troll Database]
110 Cruise thread for an evo's post
115 Post reply: "Evolution is trash. You're an idiot. Call me when a bird turns into a toad."
120 GOSUB 200.
130 Cruise thread for another evo's post
135 Post reply: "Evolution is only a theory. All evos are atheists. Hitler loved Darwin."
140 GOSUB 200.
145 Cruise thread for another evo's post
150 Post reply: "Go back to DU. Evolution is nonsense. Stop bashing my religion."
155 GOSUB 200.
160 Cruise thread for another evo's post
165 Post reply: [randomly selected text from any creationist website].
170 GOSUB 200.
180 GOTO 105
200 REM Subroutine
210 If evo replies, hit abuse button. Say: "This creep is very abusive. This thread is garbage."
220 If thread is moved to Chat or Backroom, or locked, or pulled, GOTO 100.