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IAF strikes Beruit airport

Posted on 07/12/2006 8:38:16 PM PDT by jhp

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To: nhoward14

I have a feeling it is about to contribute to global warming in a big way - things are really getting HOT

221 posted on 07/12/2006 9:37:20 PM PDT by Mom MD
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To: JSteff

Rotary winged craft will have a hell of time trying to get near anything important with Israeli F-16, F-15, and Kfir aircraft controlling things.

222 posted on 07/12/2006 9:37:43 PM PDT by Jet Jaguar
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To: Kryptonite
If Egypt maintains a level head then it will be confined to war that Israel can handle on it's own. If it goes the other way then the entire region will be drawn in along with us. I can't see any of our "allies" beyond maybe Australia going to war to help Israel. I don't even think Great Britain would do that as sad as that is.
223 posted on 07/12/2006 9:38:48 PM PDT by Texasforever (I have neither been there nor done that.)
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To: sofaman

It has nothing to do with a map. It has to do with military power. None of them can close to competing with Israel.

224 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:03 PM PDT by kabar
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To: NormsRevenge

Re: your pic in #78...

My, what square edges and ... textures your photo of the airport has :) I suspect you have a screenshot from MS Flight Sim there.

225 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:09 PM PDT by No.6 (
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To: jeltz25
It's time to make Damscus and Tehran look like Berlin and Tokyo ca.1945.

There needs to be annihilation level force used, and fast.

I agree. This has been festering for a while now...time to lance it.

226 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:28 PM PDT by processing please hold
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To: eeevil conservative
ahhhhhh finally back to more important new stories, Valerie Plame. Come on FOX you have what could be a major war breaking out. If something that justifies wall to wall coverage it is this. Dump the Plame stories, the Duke rape case updates, and the latest from Aruba, were sick of it.
227 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:49 PM PDT by NavyCanDo
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To: investigateworld

If Iran attacks Israel, dollars to doughnuts NK will blitskrieg SK and force us to choose who to help. Maybe China will go for the trifecta and launch a naval invasion of Taiwan...

Your thoughts?

Could be a perfect storm if this happened. Bush will probably do nothing.

228 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:58 PM PDT by racing fan
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To: kingu
"The diplomacy afterward would be a nightmare."

Not at all. Just think of it. Israel invades Lebanon and then heads for Damascus. But before they can get there a couple of divisions of the all New and Improved Iraqi Army, with US Advisor's suitably in the background, rush into Syria to rescue their fellow Arabs. Of course we get to round up the terrorists, shut down the smuggling, set up a democratic government, look for WMDs. But their alternative is a long occupation by the Jews. They might consider the Iraqis to be heroes.
229 posted on 07/12/2006 9:39:58 PM PDT by GonzoGOP (There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
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To: pbrown
If Iran attacks Israel, dollars to doughnuts NK will blitskrieg SK and force us to choose who to help.

I think Israel can pretty much take care of themselves.

230 posted on 07/12/2006 9:40:00 PM PDT by scannell
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To: NavyCanDo


231 posted on 07/12/2006 9:40:58 PM PDT by Flavius (Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum)
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To: NavyCanDo

I was disappointed to get home from work to see no coverage on any channel. At least Fox had a news alert for a moment when I checked.

232 posted on 07/12/2006 9:41:12 PM PDT by ican'tbelieveit (Join FreeRepublic's Folding@Home team (Team# 36120), KW:Folding)
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If Iran attacks Israel, look for simultaneous attacks on Tehran and Pyongyang by the U.S, Israel and Japan.

I just laid my head on my desk when I read your post. I'm going outside for a smoke.

233 posted on 07/12/2006 9:41:42 PM PDT by processing please hold
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To: racing fan

"Could be a perfect storm if this happened. Bush will probably do nothing"

No way Bush stands pat, NO WAY

234 posted on 07/12/2006 9:41:46 PM PDT by DAC22
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If Iran attacks Israel, look for simultaneous attacks on Tehran and Pyongyang by the U.S, Israel and Japan.

Biggest problem with the concept of Iran attacking Israel - we're right in between in Iraq. The warplanes will disappear in a cloud of debris and any ground attack will be dealt with within hours. Our military is perfect at dealing with opponents in the open.

As for NK - they've got one shot, missiles, and it's about dead even odds that if a lot of them start getting fueled if we can knock them out first. It'd be interesting to see if someone can dig up if there are any Patriot units set up near Japan or Korea right now.

In any case, I seriously doubt that anyone intends to commit national suicide right now. That's the end result in even the most optimistic results of attacks by Iran, NK or China.
235 posted on 07/12/2006 9:41:46 PM PDT by kingu (Yeah, I'll vote in 2006, just as soon as a party comes along who listens.)
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To: Flavius

Finally... an appropriate situation for this turn around...

America wants to know where its journalists are!

Some are just better at this sort of thing, I guess.

236 posted on 07/12/2006 9:42:40 PM PDT by nhoward14
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To: racing fan
Could be a perfect storm if this happened. Bush will probably do nothing.

Did you forget a sarc tag?

237 posted on 07/12/2006 9:42:49 PM PDT by mplsconservative
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To: Teufelhunde
No man, Nightline lead off with the Israel thing. There was no touchy-feely tone to that segment at all. They showed the Hizbolah's giving out candies in the middle of the road to passing traffic, shooting guns in the air, and blowing off fireworks after news came out that the two soldiers had been kidnapped. Then they showed people going into their bomb shelters, and showed the Israeli's getting down with self-propelled howitzers. They showed the totally destroyed bridges in southern Lebanon. They mentioned that the reserves have been called up in Israel. They showed some footage of the Gaza hell-hole. Then they showed pristine, beautiful Lebanon.

They talked about how its the "militants" running the show, and sending a clear message to all the regional heads (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia) who are way too cozy with the U.S. for the militants liking. Then they showed some talking head in Lebanon spouting some crap, I forget about what specifically, but it was nonsense about negotiations and getting back to the road-map-for-peace. At which time I threw my shoe at the TV screaming what in the hell have they been doing for the last 10 or 15 years?!?!?!? Arafat had the whole deal wrapped in a beautiful bow handed to him on a silver platter, and Israel pulled out of Gaza. They talked about how until now it had been a quiet locally contained issue, but with the recent turn of events Israel has evidently decided to throw down the gauntlet with a vengence (and now has the very real potential to becoming a region wide imbroglio involving all countries in the area in a very short period of time.

Terry Moran asked if there's any sense in the area that there's anything the U.S. can do. The local reporter responded without a doubt that it is the local perspective the U.S. can exert a greater amount of pressure onto Israel so that negotiations can begin.

NO. No touchy feely in that segment. Neither was it anti-Israel, nor was it anti-U.S. They made it absolutely clear that the Israeli population is battening down for a hurricane, and that the military is ramping operations up and taking names.

No, the touchy-feely segment was the human-interst segment of the blind mountain climber group climbing Machu Pichu (and the leader of that group being the first blind guy to climb Everest).

What you seen was the last segment of the night, Sign of the Times, about what its like to space-walk on the ISS. They interviewed one of the astronauts who previously spacewalked at the ISS and he described it. At the end of the segment, which included breathtaking space footage of the earth as backdrop, Terry Moran was clearly visably impressed, "Wow. Too COOL."

I'll tell you this, regardless of your anti-liberal biases respecting Nightline of the Koppel era (which may be well founded), the present show is nothing like the old one. There's no softball interviewing, there's no soft-shoeing, there's no patently visable liberal bias. My perspective is that any political leaning of old is non-existant.

Since Koppel left, I've never ever seen anything remotely like what I heard FNC was reporting today by the man in the street Shep today, showing all the stunt-victim children and crying "Oh, the humanity!" Nope. You won't see that on Nightline.

They do segments occassionally called "Faith Matters". I'm an evengelical fundamental Christian. And I'll tell you there's no bull in those segments: they report the facts with no judgment or opinion intoned whatsoever.

In all segements the facts are presented out in the open. Period. The viewer decides. Frankly, I believe Bashir, Cynthia, and Moran are doing a bang-up job of an investigative pure-news show. Whatever you may see these peope do on other shows, opinion and editorializing is not seen on the present incarnation of Nightline. Flame away...

238 posted on 07/12/2006 9:43:12 PM PDT by raygun
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To: Soul Seeker
"I hope Israel shows them no mercy and does what the rest of the world doesn't have the guts to do. And I'll be saying prayers for them in the days to come."

Amen to that!

Semper Fi

239 posted on 07/12/2006 9:43:57 PM PDT by river rat (You may turn the other cheek, but I prefer to look into my enemy's vacant dead eyes.)
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To: ican'tbelieveit

CNN International has live tanks.

240 posted on 07/12/2006 9:44:00 PM PDT by July 4th (A vacant lot cancelled out my vote for Bush.)
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