You'd think these idiots parroting the DNC talking points would be embarassed by now. Or are they just so insulated from reality they don't realize everyone knows they're doing it?
The phrase is "divorced from reality". Use it, Gannon gets a royaty everytime you use it.
Problem is, you really can't embarrass a shameless person.
Right up until about six months ago, we were hearing that missile defense was a waste of money because the chief danger from nuclear weapons was that nuclear rogue states would distribute their nukes to terrorists. Somebody forgot to tell that to NoKorea and Iran. Now that it's clear that nuclear rogue states want nuclear weapons in their arsenals for nuclear blackmail, not for use by anonymous terrorists, this ridiculous argument has evaporated.
But fear not. The lefties will have a new talking point soon. The best trial balloon I've heard so far is: "we don't want to make a big deal out of this because it just encourages them." Look for this to be developed into: "if we build missile defense, they'll just build better missiles."
Uh huh.