I find it a constant source of bewilderment - that this Nation has fallen to such a depraved state -- that a "Clinton" could be elected TWICE -- and his no talent, enabling power mad corrupt wife is favor by so many in that despicable leftist Democrat party...
The Democrat party...built on a foundation of "strength" represented by Kennedy, Kerry, Durbin, Schumer, Clinton, Gore, Carter, Murtha, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstine, Biden and a whole bevy of certifiable lunatics in the Black Congressional Caucus which is 100% Democrat -- to say nothing of the Bible Beating Plantation "minders", Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - with music provided by "Banana man" Belafonte and security by Calypso Louie's "Black Nation of Islam" ------------ such a team!
Shocking and depressing.....
Semper Fi