I will take on face value your statement and even grant Ann her statement. But ID is NOT an alternative theory to explain this. ID depends on magic/supernatural intervention and science cannot and must not depend on that for explanations of physical events.
If I say "I don't know how my car got a dent in it" that does NOT imdicate in any way, shape or form that a valid "theory" for the dent was little green men in spaceships. I can formulate a reasonable theory based on the size and shape of the ding, where and when it occurred, etc. EVEN IN THE ABSENCE OF EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS.
"If I say "I don't know how my car got a dent in it" that does NOT imdicate in any way, shape or form that a valid "theory" for the dent was little green men in spaceships. I can formulate a reasonable theory based on the size and shape of the ding, where and when it occurred, etc. EVEN IN THE ABSENCE OF EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS."
Yep, you sure can. But you would still be guessing. And If I formulated a "resonable theory" 180 degrees out of phase with yours I would be guessing. So who's right. Of course you think you are. And I think I am. So heeeere we go!