dude needs to up his meds....
That election was a speed bump, nothing more.
""dude needs to up his meds....""
Kind of an egomaniac eh?
It wasn't just a speed bump, for some. It was a cathartic release of venom. You should have seen the thread last night, the pro-illegals were threatening death to Tancredo, his "ostracization", it was a regular Spanish Inquisition.
They're going to have a rough summer with the House hearings and "road show." They, like Specter, will be pleading, pleading they are really "enforcement firsters".
Like the last poster said BIL-BRAY!!
Its hard to judge just what is th edeciding factor in local elections.
Very often the incumbent is able to use his office to dispense favors and massage the electorate to the point that they are putty in his hands.
The fail to see the policy through the personality.
Were BOTH candidates Mormons? Utah is a heavily Mormon state and I doubt if any non-Mormon could ever get elected there. Has the Mormon Church gone the way of the Methodists and Episcopalians and Prebyterians in caving in to liberal political issues?
On the other hand, look at that brainless twit Orrin Hatch.
The fact that he gets constinually elected to office is nothing short of miraculous. The man is just a few neurons ahead of Frank Lautenberg. But he keeps running and keeps getting in.
Remmember BIL-BRAY.
This IS a bumb in the road - nothing more.