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Limbaugh Likely to Wait Several Days
AP ^
Posted on 06/27/2006 4:00:45 PM PDT by doesnt suffer fools gladly
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To: tobyhill
Why the controversy then? The only controversy here is that Rush Limbaugh can't get a big 'ol conservative hard-on by himself.
Nver mind the Israeli response in Gaza, or the latest on the NYT traitors.
This is REAL NEWS!!!
posted on
06/27/2006 4:56:58 PM PDT
Recovering Hermit
(Apparently, most who protest for peace do so at the expense of hygiene.)
To: NeoCaveman
It has been on every newscast here for 24 hours. I figure we could cut some customs personnel, if they have 4 hours to kill over Rush's Viagra.
To: doesnt suffer fools gladly
I can see why this would be done. Industry insiders with a the right info would be able to see the Rx medications for certain people if their names were attached them. The
Pharmacy Benefit Management system overall overall is very sophisticated. Unlike the rest of healthcare industry, it is highly automated. Concealing a name in this way makes sense if a celebrity wants to maintain privacy.
posted on
06/27/2006 5:01:52 PM PDT
("You want to break this army? Then break your word to it.")
To: Perdogg
"Limbaugh Likely to Wait Several Days" - Not with Cialis. LOL!
I guess all my worrying last night was stupid. I can't believe I fell for ye olde MSM shenanigans. Oy!
posted on
06/27/2006 5:03:44 PM PDT
(So there.)
To: Political Junkie Too
I still think that this could be on the order of Ken Bacon leaking Linda Tripp's job application,I think they hoped to find illegal drugs in Rush's plane. When they found the Viagra they called the Sheriff.
Then when they knew the truth they told the media. If they had found illegal drugs they would have said nothing until he was indicted.
This is nothing and Rush's actions said as much.
I too think someone or someones in customs will pay.
To: EricT.
"End of story."
True, but all the "ifs" have to be in place.
posted on
06/27/2006 5:09:56 PM PDT
Buck W.
(If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.)
To: arasina
That's okay, everyone held his or her breath.
posted on
06/27/2006 5:10:18 PM PDT
To: John Lenin
I think Rush set these fools up with this one. Pure genius, if true.
You can receive Viagra samples from your doc, without any prescription, so this could be fun to watch how it all unfolds.
On a more personal note, I could probably use something like an Anti-Viagra, especially when I wake up in the morning.
My lady teases me about this "problem", but I really can't help it.
Any Freeper docs that can provide a possible explanation?
posted on
06/27/2006 5:15:18 PM PDT
Recovering Hermit
(Apparently, most who protest for peace do so at the expense of hygiene.)
To: Taliesan
How about free samples? MDs give out free samples of BP meds and other meds. Are these restricted by order of the
people that go through travel bags etc? My husband just got some samples of an expensive cardiac drug. This is done all the time. Limbaughs MD would have been better off to supply the dude with a few free samples for his trip. It was really stupid to do otherwise
To: al baby
posted on
06/27/2006 5:25:34 PM PDT
(God is looking for spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.)
To: doesnt suffer fools gladly
I talked to my doctor about this today and he said this is clearly harassment! You can buy that stuff over the counter in the DR in the first place!
posted on
06/27/2006 5:29:47 PM PDT
(The NYTimes, hang 'em high!)
To: somemoreequalthanothers
Well, there is certainly no way he should take those pills back! I wouldn't trust the possibility of tampering!
posted on
06/27/2006 5:30:14 PM PDT
To: Taliesan
You could not have written a better post! So true!
posted on
06/27/2006 5:30:38 PM PDT
(The NYTimes, hang 'em high!)
To: al baby
"Talent on loan from Pfizer"
LOL - Leno might have paid you for this, but most of his audience wouldn't get it ...
posted on
06/27/2006 5:40:42 PM PDT
("I took the drugs because I liked them and I found excuses to take them, so I'm not weaseling.")
To: doesnt suffer fools gladly
I have to sign forty forms just to make sure my family can see my medical records because the Government has decided my privacy should be protected with the FULL FORCE of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. No matter that it has cost the medical establishment and consumers millions of dollars. Now the fact that Rush Limbaugh or some doctors, who have luckily remained nameless, take Viagra is all over the MSM. Gosh, think what it would be like if our privacy wasn't protected!
To: ClaireSolt
If only Saddam had hid his WMD's in Rush's pants, then the media would care to find them....
posted on
06/27/2006 5:42:42 PM PDT
(The Latest on the Ohio gov race
To: doesnt suffer fools gladly
I am a fan of RL...but, I have to say that he is not out of the woods yet....I doubt, any doctor would prescribe, 27 doses of Viagra, at one time, so how does he explain 27 pills in a bottle...the usual routine is prescribe, a small number of doses, and then the patient has to return to reload and have a basic health checkup, that is to ensure that Viagra, is not causing problems. The other outstanding question is, why did customs decide to check his aircraft so intently....I wonder if the DA, didnt ask to have the aircraft checked...there seems to be a very cozy relationship between the DA and customs
posted on
06/27/2006 5:42:54 PM PDT
To: doesnt suffer fools gladly
Viagra ... "it's not something you can be addicted to" I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole.
To: John Lenin
Plainly giving Rushbo a PASS on this one...
He really is losing it...
posted on
06/27/2006 5:48:21 PM PDT
To: NeoCaveman
If it lasts longer than 4 hours, seek medical attention....Medical attention for the man or the woman? Or both?
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