Like President Lincoln said, the Constitution was never meant to be a death pact.
Yep, And he was referring to statist slavery zealots who advocated total state control over men.
So IMO when crazy, dangerous and criminal behavior happens
When crazy, dangerous and criminal behavior happens, libertarians support the Constitutional rule of law to stop it.
(which you refer to as your LIBERTIES, vice, drugs and so on),
Rave on. Buy your own admission you're defending prohibitions on liberty.
you are restrained from damage that can be done by such activities to others in the name of so called FREEDOM which in many cases seems like irresponsible anarchy.
Prohibitions foster anarchy, as we found out in the roaring twenties. - Get a grip guy.
Which is why many people, not JUST Libertarians think that Lincoln was a statist idiot...(we won't at this writing discuss the fact that many of his actions were later declared unconstitutional by the SCOTUS).
OF COURSE the Constitution was and is a "suicide pact". Our founders stated and demonstrated that:
So IMO when crazy, dangerous and criminal behavior happens (which you refer to as your LIBERTIES, vice, drugs and so on), you are restrained from damage that can be done by such activities to others in the name of so called FREEDOM which in many cases seems like irresponsible anarchy.
Your use of the word "criminal" is an arbitrary standard that one uses to make otherwise "law abiding" citizens into criminals simply because an individual or group decides that they don't like the particular activity in question, and uses the force of government to, WITHOUT DEMONSTRATED HARM TO THE LIVES, PROPERTY, OR LIBERTY OF ANYONE ELSE remove that freedom.
As for the rest of your self-admitted opinion, these matters are more properly disposed of by the CIVIL courts where harm should be demonstrated by the individual making the charges, and should not be a matter of statuatory regulation.