"Hey, the liberatarians might get 3/4% of the popular vote this time round.
Does that have anything to do with the platform which has been posted for discussion?"
Sure it does. If the Libertarian Party cannot muster even 1% of the vote, then it is, essentially, irrelevant. Whatever platform it might espouse is equally irrelevant, since it will be read only by Libertarian Party members, if that.
That's why the statement that person made has a great deal to do with this proposed platform, which I note is the product of an individual, in any case, not of the party.
The Libertarian Party will remain irrelevant to elections in this country, primarily due to its stance on drugs and its inability to form a stance on abortion.
In the first instance, most sensible Americans are opposed to the decriminalization of drugs that are currently illegal. In the second instance, virtually all current Republicans are opposed to making abortions even easier to obtain.
The LP dooms itself to its 1% share by the very platform it suggests.
Hey, the liberatarians might get 3/4% of the popular vote this time round.Does that have anything to do with the platform which has been posted for discussion?
Yes it does, but 3/4% is way too high.