Saddam was very, very close to getting from under the the UN sanctions. That would give Usama a new home and it would likely be in the Kurd area, so I can imagine Saddam gassing those he missed the first time.
As it was, he was able to build 52 Palaces (I think) during the sanction period. He complained that he needed the sanctions lifted "for the children". I imagine each had/has a tunnel. I'd love to see a map as to how they were positioned.
Saddam was very, very close to getting from under the the UN sanctions. That would give Usama a new home and it would likely be in the Kurd area, so I can imagine Saddam gassing those he missed the first time.
Could not agree more !
As it was, he was able to build 52 Palaces (I think) during the sanction period. He complained that he needed the sanctions lifted "for the children". I imagine each had/has a tunnel. I'd love to see a map as to how they were positioned
If you ever see such a map let me know would love to see it.