Those 2 channels are lib shills.
From here: THE DOWNING OF TWA FLIGHT 800 Exclusive: Jack Cashill argues new investigation of '96 event ne ^
Post Post 85
And as a Physics major I laffed my a$$ off at the discovery channel 'documentary'.
Jet Fuel is simply KEROSENE. Go to the corner gas station, buy a gallon, pour it into a bucket, and toss in a match and watch what DOESN'T happen (an explosion)- or better yet, Do what I do about 10 times per year- pour it over a pile of wood and ignite it to make a bonfire. Nice and safe.
That is why jet airplanes are not blowing up left and right.
Try the same thing with gasoline (very explosive) and you better hope your health insurance is up-to-date.
Heat Kerosene until it vaporizes. Stand in it and light a match. Let me watch.
One other quick question for you, do you have any idea what could have possible caused the fire balls at the WIC, the Pentagon, or when Flight 93 hit the ground? All they had in them was jet fuel.