"Cannon, who knows everything there is to know about immigration, and refuses to pander to simplistic immigration solutions."
Do you think AgJobs is *really* a good idea?!?!
Do you think giving amnesty and instate tuition to illegal aliens is *really* a good idea?!?!
Look, kick Cannon if you want, but I suspect neither you nor I will ever know as much about immigration as - (I seem to recall he was) - the former chair of the Immigration Committee. I haven't written any books about immigration - maybe you have. I'm saying Jacob is, well, frankly, nuts. There needs to be a little bit of reality brought into what's at stake here. If CC has ever drifted from "The Path," I suspect it is because of LDS doctrine that I, a Methodist, will never understand. His ACU rating is, however, unassailable. "Chris For Congress."