"And I've also overheard a number of wimin bragging about their divorces (Something that I've never heard a man do, BTW), how much they got, how long they can make him suffer, and why don't you get a divorce girl? You can have your own house, a steady leisure income, and as many boyfriends as you want..."
On the other hand, there is the case of my sister, whose husband walked out on her out of the blue with no good reason, leaving her and her three children to make their own way. Her husband never bothered to visit or take an interest in their children, and cut off each child's support on their 18th birthday - prorated down to the very day. He is rather well off, yet refused to help pay for college for his own children. It took my sister 10 years to get back on her feet. Believe me, jerks come in both sexes.
Roger that.
Believe me I know. My ex's previous ex walked out on her when she was 6 months preggers with the girl who would some day become my daughter. Stole her VW van, wiped out the little they had set aside for the kid-to-be's college education and simply vanished.
To the best of our knowledge he doesn't even know he sired a daughter, nor how well she's turned out, and I, her FATHER, will proudly attend her High School Graduation tomorrow.
His loss.