The NY Times gets it wrong, again
The Times is intoxicated with the Democrats appearing before the moonbats in Vegas, ushering in the age of the blog. The power. The fury, The future. The agent for change. The New York waste of Times did a glowing, kiss ass piece on the Kos Konvention here;
If there is an emerging consensus among much of the Democratic Party establishment, it is that blogs are an important, potentially crucial emerging power in American politics, as reflected by the turnout of Democratic leaders here this weekend. What is less clear is how mainstream politicians like Mr. Warner or the Senate minority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, who gave an address Saturday night will grapple with an audience that has defined itself in part by its dissatisfaction with mainstream politicians.
Wait a minute fellas. Far be it from me to rain on anyone's parade but you've assigned all of the qualities of the Right side of the sphere to the wrong side of the sphere. The right blogs broke Rathergate, the Swift Boat veterans, CNN's Eason Jordan resignation, Kerry's impossible lies, the Danish cartoons, yads yada yada. It was the right side of the blogosphere that changed the course of history in the last Presidential election. All of the real action is happening over here guys.
The dinosaur media is owned lock, stock and barrel by the left. What's left for the liberal blogsphere is the fringiest, craziest, radicalized, far, far left. The Times really have it wrong. The left doesn't need a blogosphere. They own the media elite.
The Center and Right suffered a vacuum filled by talk radio and now the net. Talk radio was not good, great in fact but not enough.
So I don't know what they are raving about over there - out and about on their weekend pass.
Indeed, there was evidence of a gulf in the way the two sides view their relationship. For the 1,000 or so bloggers at the YearlyKos Convention here, the mission is nothing short of trying to transform the way politics are done. For some of the political leaders who stopped off for a quick panel or reception, the visits seemed more along the lines of another constituent box to be checked on the campaign circuit, whose value does not extend beyond its checkbook or voter turnout operations.
Steve Soto, who writes The Left Coaster blog, said that the Democratic leaders running the campaigns to win the House and Senate "are still treating the blogs and some of the advice from them about message and focus as unwanted solicitations from crazy relatives."
They are crazy relatives. And it would be suicidal for the left to move any more left if they want to win electons, despite the Kos Konstituency threats and tantrums.
It's funny. They talk about how all powerful the Kos blog is. This is purely anecdotal but interesting, nonetheless.I got my first link from Kos, the other day. I gotta tell brought exactly 9 hits. I have gotten tens of thousands of hits from bloggers with allegedly last traffic. Imagine that. It was a hot topic too - Coulter's truth telling on the 9/11 Jersey four - and it was a real leftarded vote getter - whose breasts were bigger. You, chum for leftards;
Atlas Shrugs: My tits are bigger than Ann's tits ... that's why everybody ignores her when she attacks the 9/11 widows.
You know the leftist drill. Misogyny nonparallel, their favorite. And yet 9 hits. When Wolcott did his Nips Ahoy piece it drove tens of thousands to my site. Just sayin.
I think Kos jiggers his numbers. Something is rotten in the moonbat cave.