Hitlery doesn't have a chance. Too many Americans find her utterly repellent, and even the Rats are now beginning to see that.
Unfortunately it looks like it might be Al Gore/Mark Warner.
Gore is rumored to have enough Google options to finance a presidential run from his own pocket, and Warner also is quite wealthy (high-tech entrepreneur who later founded a successful VC firm, Columbia Capital). They don't really need the traditional Rat money that Hitlery's been filching for the last several years.
Gore apparently has a lot of appeal with the red meat DUmmies, he's with them on all their big issues. Also popular in the minority community with that "Preacher Al" act he invented last campaign. Warner is low-key and more genial, and as mentioned has the "moderate" persona which may temper Gore's complete and utter insanity.
In any case I can't see how Hitlery is going to make it even to the Rat convention.
Hillary has got the money. Cash money, and also fundraising potential. She can host high dollar fundraisers herself, and Bubba can too, of course. They know all of the big 'Rat funders, and the Clintons can and will demand early and exclusive support.
Further, she and he know all of the key people in the 'Rat state Party organizations. Their personal connections within organized Rattery dwarf all others. Also they know all of the big government and service employee union bosses, as well as the key opinionmakers among the lawyers' groups, the media, and other centers of 'Rat power.
Finally, the idea that Hillary has enemies to the left is pure 'Rat treachery. Just as we know her true stripes, so do the leftist sociopaths in the abortion cult, the grievance industries, the gun-grabbers, etc. Every big leftist ideological group (Brady, ACLU, NOW, Sierra, etc.) will support her when the time comes, and basically all of the leftists know this.
So it all boils down to the question of her electability in the general election. I agree that she seems very unlikely to win barring a strong third-party showing AND a crappy GOP candidate. But I believe that Hillary (and Bill) will never voluntarily stand down for the good of the party (rather, they will overestimate both their popularity and their "superiority" to other 'Rat candidates). And I see no other 'Rat candidate or other center of 'Rat power around which an alternative to Hillary can form. She and Bubba will simply go directly to all who matter and make them an offer they can't refuse.
Hillary will not be stopped by any "Rat, because there is no 'Rat or group of 'Rats she can't crush. And if Hillary wants something (and I believe she wants the Presidency more than anything else in the world) she will crush any and all who stand in her way. Lower-level 'Rats understand this implicitly. Therefore they will rush to join Hillary!2008 the moment the vote counting is completed this November.