Because someone is from Africa does not make him an authority on epidemiology.
There is a greater incidence of heterosexual aids in Africa because men contract it from intercourse with other men and then bring it home to their wives and the those they rape. They are more bisexual in their promiscuity than San Fransiscans---although it is very common here too.
The primary transmission of aids in the U.s and Africa for males is anal sex.
Africa does have a huge percentage of the male population engaging in homosexual sex.
The men simply don't acknowledge their participation in it.
Don't be fooled, California!
The guy was finishing his PHD and was going to be sent by the Church to run some African school.
The priest was very well educated and was from there, so I figure he must know something of what he was talking about.
He does consider AIDS in general just a plague that lowers the human populations.
That continents had them before and we will get others again as he sees it.