Most restaurant serving sizes in America are at least 1.5 to 2x the servings I see in canada or here in NZ. Quite a lot of food actually.
You may find this news article interesting CC, as you point on America food being excessive in size the otehr day. ;-)
Agreed, I happen to be in the States at the moment and am having a
difficult time finding menu items which are reasonably portioned.
I find I've been eating a combined lunch/supper in the middle of
the afternoon and then generally at Thai restaurants..
Who knew the U.S. had great Thai restaurant... ;)
"Most restaurant serving sizes in America are at least 1.5 to 2x the servings I see in canada or here in NZ. Quite a lot of food actually. "
100% true. And you see far fewer overweight peaple and almost none of the truly obese monsters we have lumbering down US streets when you go to a place like New Zealand.