The President announced a brief news conference where he delivered a terse statement and took no questions from the assembled media.
"As Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States of America I categorically refuse to cast doubt on my 100% support for our valiant men and women seving in uniform around the globe. Despite the disturbing nature of the few stories that are being bandied about in the press at the moment, I remain solidly behind our troops. We have an established right to due process in this country, and I will neither infringe upon, nor compromise, in any degree, our troops' access to this right, nor will I raise my voice with others in premature condemnation based upon preliminary appearances.
May God bless our troops, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
Thank you."
This hasn't happened, yet, but it desperately needs to.
Where are you, Commander? Stand by your men!