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To: discostu

How is what I am saying condoning the killing of Nicole Brown?

We are responsible for what we do and say. It is that simple.

I am only encouraging people to grow to be solid individuals. Before you sign a contract for life, make sure your head is on straight.

How many months does it take to realize that you have ever once been pulled by your hair by your boyfriend? That is usually understood the first moment it occurs. To continue with that shows a total lack of respect for oneself.

I am sorry your wife stayed with such a man for apparently so long. But that was her choice.

I'm glad she chose to be with someone who respects her back. It sounds like she now respects herself, too.

123 posted on 05/28/2006 9:16:06 AM PDT by ConservativeMind
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To: ConservativeMind

Because you're blaming the victim. According to you she should have detected that OJ was an abuser earlier, never married him, never fallen in love, and never had kids with him. According to you having made those mistakes she never should have left him.

People's heads aren't on straight when they get married, that's part of the point, you fall in love and you're head isn't on straight then you get married.

Abusers don't start off right away, many wait until after the marriage. And the don't go full bore right away either, they tend to ramp up, the first time might be a slap in the face during a heated argument, anybody can right that off, then a few months later a slap during a less heated argument, and less heated the next time, and eventually a slap when there was no argument at all.

Abusers are VERY fond of people with a lack of self respect. That's the big invitation to the abuser, they have amazing radar for people like that. Not everybody has good self esteem, not everybody was in the proper environment to develop good self esteem.

Actually she wasn't with him very long at all, he lacked subtelty, he wasn't a skilled abuser, yet. They were young, I'm sure he's learned better.

126 posted on 05/28/2006 9:23:18 AM PDT by discostu (get on your feet and do the funky Alphonzo)
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