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[Rush] "Immigration" Bill Is an Attempt to Expand the Federal Government and Kill Conservatism
Rush Limbaugh ^ | 5/26/2006 | Rush

Posted on 05/26/2006 3:57:38 PM PDT by Uncledave

BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Now, folks, as I say, I've got all this figured out, and when I told you this wasn't about immigration, I was right; and when I told you that what this is really all about is the Democrats wanting and needing some new victims, I was right; and when I said this was all about politicians, particularly Democrats wanting new voters, I was right. But I was not a hundred percent right. I was close. To sum this up -- very simply -- what this bill is, this is not an immigration bill. What is being done here is being done under the guise of immigration reform. What this is, is a huge attempt by certain politicians, mostly moderate and liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans, to expand the federal government, to increase the numbers of people in poverty in this country by importing them via this immigration bill, which will set up the need to expand the "social safety" net in this country, which will then empower those who believe in big government.

It is also designed to provide a free flow of cheap labor for businesses that want to access it, and with the few limits on legal immigration that this bill imposes, we're no longer talking just about Mexicans. We now can import workers from all over the world who want to come in for the purposes of achieving and accessing the American dream, and believe me, if certain American businesses want to get labor cheaper than what they have to pay Mexican immigrants, they want to get them from Ethiopia, they want to get them from Sudan, here's an opportunity to do it. It really is no more complicated than that. I mean, you cannot read this bill and conclude anything else. This bill is senseless.

This bill is absolutely worthless. The reason everybody is going nuts here is because there's no common sense in this bill when you look at it within the framework of immigration reform, and I'll tell you what else is going on. You guys in the House -- I don't know if you're able to listen right now because you're locked down. Well, some of you House members are not even in Washington. You've taken your recess early. I want you to listen to this very carefully because what's happening here. Listen to Dingy Harry. Grab audio sound bite #1 and this will set up what I'm going to warn you people in the House about.

REID: Dark clouds are forming on the horizon. Influential members of the House of Representatives and the Republican leadership are still pushing for the bill that they passed, a bill that makes felons out of millions of [illegal] immigrants and those who assist them, like a member of the clergy, a healthcare worker, social worker. RUSH: All right. Now, let me translate this for you. What's happening here, the Senate's passed their bill. Dingy Harry is warning members of the House there are dark clouds forming over the beautiful Senate amnesty horizon, and these evil House Republicans could ruin everyone's day, and if the House doesn't go along with this, and if the House doesn't accept this abomination of a piece of legislation called an immigration reform act, then what's going to happen is that conservatives, the moderates in the Republican Party and the liberals in the Democratic Party will blame conservatives for standing in the way and blocking immigration reform.

If they can't come to an agreement in the conference with the Senate, moderates are going to blame House conservatives for this failure. I think what's happening here, in addition to all that I've said, is that moderate Republicans are trying to destroy conservatives and conservatism. By moderate Republicans, let me give you some names: John McCain, Arlen Specter. We'd have to throw Senator Lindsey Graham in there now, and some of the Republicans in the administration, some of the Republicans in the White House. I think they have been steaming over the conservative wing taking over the Republican Party. The elites in the Republican Party we've heard from on this debate, and they are trashing all of you as a bunch of unsophisticated boobs.

Me, too, and I think there's a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party going on right now, and the conservatives who are largely the majority membership of that party are under assault. I think that it is perfectly clear, at least to me, that that's what's happening. You can look at this this way. Let me make it easy. We're back to 1976. This is Ronald Reagan versus Gerald Ford. This is Barry Goldwater versus Nelson Rockefeller. This is the compassionate conservative Republicans -- i.e., the moderates -- versus the conservatives. That's all tied into this. There's so many things being done here at once, and this whole immigration bill is simply a rubric to disguise the true intent.


RUSH: You Republicans in the House have to understand what's going on here. You are being targeted for destruction, and you are being targeted as the bad guys if you don't go along with what the Senate has done in this so-called immigration bill. There was a press conference yesterday that nobody covered. We even joined a number of website video units hoping to find coverage of it. It was a love fest. I don't have any audio of this for you yet. It was a love fest. Senators McCain, Hagel, Graham, Martinez and Specter, were backslapping and thanking Senators Kennedy, Reid, and Durbin, congratulating each other over what a great thing they'd done with this immigration bill, and McCain said this. He said, "The most important message, probably, is to those 11 million people who are out there living in the shadows without the protection of any of the laws of our society, millions of whom are being mistreated and not given, not receiving their God-given rights. To them we will provide a path to citizenship so you can come out of the shadows and educate yourselves and feed your families and become very profitable and very important members of our society." That is just patently absurd, folks. This bill -- I'm going to tell you, if you Republicans, if you lose in November, it's not going to be because of you, if you stand strong here.

If Republicans lose in November, it's going to be because of the moderates in the Senate and elsewhere in the House, and because of missteps taken by the administration, not because you stand up for your conservative principles. If you stand up for your conservative principles, that will not be why you lose. You are going to have to trust me on this. This is a huge gambit that's being tried here, and you guys, the conservatives in the House, are the targets. I'll tell you, I don't think that I can say this enough, folks. I don't think I can drill this into people's heads enough, because, you know, Lindsey Graham and McCain and so forth are actually spinning it this way.

They're actually out there saying that the conservatives don't want to be the reasons that we're standing in the way of progress and success here, and they're going to set you up for the blame if the Senate bill does not maintain itself or remain intact by saying if you don't sign on to moderate, unpopular things like this, that you will lose. It's just the exact opposite. This bill, this immigration bill was written by the open borders lobby, the La Raza-type groups. You can't read this and escape that conclusion. I mean, this bill includes all kinds of traps against enforcement. It confers all kinds of rights on illegal aliens. It's going to make it very, very hard to enforce any of this.

It was written by lawyers. I'm convinced this legislation has been written by lawyers who do this work day in and day out, who litigate on behalf of illegals and seek to change even the most arcane rules to their advantage. Let me cut through all of the noise here, folks, and just hit you right between the eyes. These senators do not want to control immigration. They want to expand it. They don't care whether it's illegal or legal immigration. What they did was vote in favor of changing our society so as to massively empower the federal government. The federal government will have far more control over wages than before. Entitlement programs are going to have to expand in order to accommodate all these new arrivals and their children. Taxes are going to have to go up in order to pay for all this.

Wealth will be redistributed from the middle class to a new class of poor that we are welcoming in here as Senator McCain has so excitedly said in his press conference yesterday. That is exactly what this is about. It's all being done under the rubric of immigration reform. What we're actually doing is importing poverty in order to enhance big government. It is precisely what is going on here. I cannot emphasize this enough. We went through all the details of this bill. You can't possibly assume from reading this that this is actually -- or conclude that this is -- about immigration. It just isn't, and I have been right about that from the get-go. The editors at National Review have a little editorial today on their website. The Senate wouldn't even vote down the earned income tax credit for illegal immigrants that bop in here as a result of this. So you watch what happens. If this bill remains as is, the impact on the legal system incalculable, the impact on the economy, on the bureaucracy, local and federal level public services, the entitlement crisis. It is a massive, massive pro-poverty bill. Bring in some people here in poverty; get a number of new victims. Our economy is doing well, and there are fewer and fewer victims, fewer and fewer people in poverty. We need this. It's the country club Republicans and the blue-bloods trying to take back the party from the conservatives.

Compassionate conservatism versus conservatism. Ford versus Reagan, Goldwater versus Rockefeller. I mean, this is where we are. I make no bones about it. The blue-blood country clubbers are trying to take back control of the party. They've been seething ever since Reagan was so dominant and so victorious and they really weren't happy with the Newt revolution. We've seen this just in the last three months in this immigration bill -- and, by the way, there was a last-minute change in the bill. It got ratified, and this exposes everything. Remember when the 370-mile fence on the border was proposed and suggested, the 500-mile vehicle barricade or blockade, Christopher Dodd said (summarized), "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! We can't do this without consultation with the government of Mexico."

Guess what ended up in the bill? Just that: "Consultations between the United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels concerning the construction of additional fencing and related border security structures along the United States-Mexico border shall be undertaken prior to commencing any new construction." Before we can build a fence we've got to consult with Vicente Fox and the state governors, whatever they're called in Mexico and the local people on their side of the border in order to solicit the views of affected communities in Mexico to lessen tensions and foster greater understanding and stronger cooperation on this and other important issues of mutual concern. The Dodd amendment was included in a manager's amendment offered by Senator Specter which included several additional amendments. It was adopted by the Senate. So even the fence will have to essentially get the approval after consultation with officials throughout government layers in Mexico! Believe me, folks, this is not an immigration bill, and it never was.

BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Our buddy Jim Ruttenberg with an analysis piece on the front page of the New York Times today: "Compassionate Conservatives Versus Angry Doctrinaire Hardliners -- The negotiations between the White House and Congress that will follow the Senate's passage on Thursday of an immigration bill could decide not just how the nation confronts illegal immigration but also what strain of conservatism the Republican Party carries into the midterm elections and beyond. Will it be the compassionate brand Mr. Bush considers crucial to the party's future, in this case by signaling support for a provision in the Senate bill that would give most illegal immigrants an opportunity to become legal?

"Or will it be the more doctrinaire variety embraced by much of Mr. Bush's party in the House, one that shuns anything that smacks of amnesty for illegal immigrants and seeks to criminalize them further?" So once again here's the New York Times -- and they're right on the money here portraying the anti-illegal immigration side as conservative hardliners, doctrinaire, cold-hearted, mean-spirited, cruel, bigoted sexist racist homophobes. I'm telling you that's how this is being set up and it's being done so with glee and the support of moderate Republicans everywhere. I cannot emphasize to you just how much resentment there has been for the longest time within the Republican Party for conservatives by the country club blue-blood set. I've shared stories with you of how I personally have encountered this.

Now, Dana Rohrabacher yesterday in the Washington Times had a piece called "The 'Shamnesty' Legislation," and he says, "This 'shamnesty' bill spells out the level of contempt the Senate has for middle-class Americans. This 'comprehensive' bill includes: In-state tuition for illegal aliens. Your kid has to pay full freight if they cross state lines, but the illegal alien who broke into the country doesn't. All temporary guest workers have to be paid the prevailing wage. American citizens do not have to be paid prevailing wage. All agricultural guest workers under this bill cannot be fired by their employers except for what the bill calls 'just cause.'

"However, American agricultural workers can be fired for any reason," and again in the agricultural business, just to give you an example, 24% of the jobs are held by illegal aliens, which means 76% are held by Americans, and yet we are told these are jobs Americans won't do. In the Senate bill, "Illegal aliens are made eligible for Social Security. Not only will they receive retirement benefits, but their children will receive survivor benefits should the parents pass away. This is at a time when we are trying to keep Social Security solvent for the next generation," and therein lies a huge key. The Capitol Building has been reopened after another lock down. That's the Capitol Building, not the Rayburn Building. No word on that, but the Capitol Building has been reopened after yet another lockdown.

"Taxpayer dollars to radical immigrant-rights groups so they can help illegal aliens adjust their status. Millions of your tax dollars will go to the same groups that organized those rallies where people who came here illegally waved foreign flags and thumbed their noses at our laws." Make no mistake, folks, this is the expansion of government on parade. This is the importation of new people in poverty necessitating an expansion of the safety net and expansion in tax rates to pay for it. Another transfer of wealth and an expansion of government in order to accomplish all this, thereby cementing even more dependency among these new arrivals.

BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: It is farcical. This whole thing is a farce, folks. In fact I'm even a little embarrassed that I got caught up debating it on the merits. I saw it. My instincts were right on the money and I was making jokes about it, and it turns out my jokes were true when I said the Democratic Party is running out of victims, they need more victims. It's true! We're just importing victims here. We're importing victims that are going to be in poverty, and listen to McCain, listen to these people speak. These illegal aliens are being characterized as super citizens, folks. They do work that you won't do, you elitist, spoiled-rotten American legal.

You won't do what really needs to be done for this country. Oh, but we're going to be saved now by these super citizens crossing the border. They don't commit any crimes, they don't drain resources. They've been built up as super citizens, superior to you, and some, you know, downtrodden group wandering aimlessly through deserts, thunderstorms, hurricanes. I mean, the future, the backbone of America here is how they're being portrayed. Now, some of you I'm sure, and I will admit this, some of you listening to this, you've been listening to the whole program, you're listening to what I'm saying about it, and you're scratching your head saying I haven't heard this anywhere else.

I haven't heard this. My friends, as I have been saying a lot lately, "Don't doubt me. Don't doubt me." For three months I've been telling Brian that the audio in here was distorted and it was too hot. He said, "Nope, everything is cool." I went up to New York. I said, "Brian, it's working up here. There's something." He finally went in there, and he found we were six DB hot. Don't doubt me. I know one of the reasons that you're confused. Look, I have here the AP story contrasting what's in the Senate bill and what's in the House bill. You want to hear how they portray what's in the Senate bill?

"Allows illegal immigrants who have been in the country five years or more to remain, continue working, and eventually become legal permanent residents and citizens after paying at least $3,250 in fines and fees and back taxes and learning English." They don't tell you there's no enforcement mechanism here for any of this. They don't have to learn English. All they have to is enroll and say that they're going to go. There's no monitoring. If they never show up, doesn't matter. The 3,250 bucks? They have eight years to pay it. It doesn't tell you that. Uh, "requires illegal immigrants in the US between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return." Anybody want to bet that the numbers that actually do this can be counted on both hands?

Because who's going to? What in the world's going to cause, "Okay, I've only been here two or three years, so where do I go? What's a port of entry?" You think they're going to stand up and identify themselves? (Raspberry.) There's no enforcement mechanism. "Orders deportation of illegal immigrants convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors no matter how long they have been in the United States." Once again, the law currently on the books is, if you're here illegally, you get deported. This is an improvement in the deal. Now you can stay here illegally, but if you get caught in the middle of a felony all you gotta do is go to La Raza or some immigrant lawyer and get this litigated.

The case will be thrown out, because nobody is going to want to mess with it because there's no interest in this bill in deporting anything or anybody. You go through this. I've got a whole bunch more things. You will not find in the AP list of highlights of what's in the Senate bill one word about the Social Security identity theft fraud that is endorsed and permitted. If an illegal alien has stolen a Social Security number, and has opened a bank account, gotten a job, a driver's license, any number of things, no biggie! No penalty! In fact, not only is there no penalty, why, Senator McCain has made it plain that as a compassionate society that person who has been paying taxes -- income taxes, other taxes -- will get all their benefits.

They will get all their Social Security benefits and their kids will get survivor benefits, after having stolen somebody's identity in order to do it. That's in the bill. You want to tell me this is an immigration bill? Don't insult my intelligence. It's nothing of the sort. You go out and steal somebody's identity. Steal somebody's credit card and find out what happens to you. You go say, hey, you know what? These illegals only have to pay back taxes for three of the five years! Can I not pay my taxes for like five years and only have to pay back three of them? You ask that for yourself, if you can do this. This is just farce. It is -- and, by the way, three of the four Democrats who voted against the bill up for reelection. The Republicans up for reelection voted against the bill. That will tell you what's really going on. They know where the American people are on this. END TRANSCRIPT

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: aliens; bushbash; hr4437
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To: Patrick1
A few other thoughts on this. Jumpin Jim Jeffords isn't running for re-election and the House can't filibuster anything, just sh**t can it.

Rush supports President Bush as do I on the most important issue of the day. The War Against Islamo Fascism. Bush's position on immigration is unfortunately the same as the great Ronald Reagan and no one can possibly believe Ronald Reagan was not conservative. For his conservative credentials look at a world map in 1980 and then look at another one in 1991.

So as conservatives we need to grow up a little. First off we should avoid at all costs the Paleo-Con position of the Pat Buchanans of the movement. This is the road to marginalization and defeat. As is the Frist/McCain big business butt kissing and pandering to the MSM to be seen as enlightened.

To me there is a middle ground that can be found mostly in the House but also in the Senate. You address this issue I think nationally with two words security and assimilation. The "wall" is a must but so is allowing immigrants into the United States not just from Mexico but from all over the world. A set number per year with assimilation being the goal.

As for those here now you do the Mike Pense plan of encouraging them to deport themselves. You stop the transferring of funds from here to Mexico. Anyone who is using government taxpayer funded services, i.e. public schools. Must first prove their citizenship, if they can't then adios.

There are numerous examples and methods that can't possibly be placed on here. But you address this issue with two hands as we did in fighting the Cold War. On the one hand you welcome people who want to be Americans making it as easy as possible for them to do so. On the other hand you enforce the law, make life hell for current illegals and especially for the people who hire them. You put a wall on the border and make it as close to impossible as you can to sneak into the country and you do whatever is necessary to fix Mexico.

One last thing. Does Mike DeWine of Ohio really not want to be a Senator anymore?
101 posted on 05/26/2006 9:18:43 PM PDT by Patrick1
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To: gathersnomoss

You are welcome. The parallels are interesting, aren't they?

102 posted on 05/26/2006 10:34:07 PM PDT by Defiant (I was willing to fight to the death for George W. Bush, but not to America's death.)
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To: Patrick1
Rush supports President Bush as do I on the most important issue of the day. The War Against Islamo Fascism. Bush's position on immigration is unfortunately the same as the great Ronald Reagan and no one can possibly believe Ronald Reagan was not conservative. For his conservative credentials look at a world map in 1980 and then look at another one in 1991.

I think one of the things that needs to be clarified is Reagan's position on the last immigration reform bill in 1986. Reagan did not support it. Reagan went along with it, reluctantly, after Alan Simpson of Wyoming pushed for it for about 4 or 5 years. I was working in the Senate in the 80s, and when it first came up, around 1982 or so, Reagan said hell no. Every year, Simpson pushed it, and got it a little farther, and by the time he finally got it through both houses, Reagan finally said ok. He didn't like the idea of amnesty; it was against his principles. He went along in an election year because Simpson really pushed for it and he had a lot of influence, and because he truly believed that with employer sanctions, it would be a one time deal.

That was how it was sold, and that was what it was supposed to be. I think if Reagan had remained as President, he would have enforced the law, and the 1986 law might actually have worked as anticipated. The problems we have had since then have been due to other Presidents shirking their duty and their oaths of office, not necessarily problems with the law.

Anyway, Reagan didn't come up with a plan to give amnesty to illegals. He went along with one, reluctantly, and would recognize today, if he could, that it was one of his few mistakes.

103 posted on 05/26/2006 11:05:05 PM PDT by Defiant (I was willing to fight to the death for George W. Bush, but not to America's death.)
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To: MaineVoter2002
This week when quoting Mcain, Rush mention Savage as "some guy named Savage"

It's probably because Savage is not worth debating with or about. He's an act, not a serious commentator.

104 posted on 05/26/2006 11:11:20 PM PDT by Defiant (I was willing to fight to the death for George W. Bush, but not to America's death.)
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To: Uncledave
Rush] "Immigration" Bill Is an Attempt to Expand the Federal Government and Kill Conservatism

Believe me, folks, this is not an immigration bill, and it never was.

Finally .But like most of us too late. He's almost got it but he needs to move up a step.

It's not about killing conservatism although it does that also, it's about killing America as we know it.

It's about killing the main obstacles that has been standing in the way of the Corporate Business Globalists.

The super rich and their quest for a Global government world run by and for their benefit.

The one thing that has stood in their way and that they have been whittling away at for years is the United States with it's Constitutional form of Government.

If you look at the last two Presidential elections you will see that our country was divided almost evenly and this is what they have been waiting and working for.

Do not look at the country being divided between Democrats and Republicans or liberals and conservatives or you won't see what is about to happen.

One group is the people who love this country it's Constitution and the way it was intended to be by our founding fathers.

A nation of independent,self-reliant people with very limited government.

The other side are the socialist who hate this government, and the responsibilities and insecurity that are a part of being a free people.

They do not care about the country and they want a government that is a nanny state that will take care of them and take away all those hard decisions.

Thats where we are at now 50/50. Those who want it to be what it was founded to be and those who only want it for what they can get out of it.

The reason Bush and the Commercial Globalists are going all out now to get this bill through is because the time is perfect.

They can flood this country with millions of new voters that do not care about, or have any loyalties to the United States.

Most do probably do not have any understanding of what is taking place and maybe even if they did they hate the U.S. as it stands [if you looked at those protesters]and will join those 50% of the useful idiots who see the Government and politicians as their savior and already want a world run by what they think will be some U.N.type government.

Bush is not a conservative. But he is a Globalist[like dad] and elitist [like mom]

The reason this seems so strange, senseless and out of character for Bush or the other Republican Conservatives is because it is out of character for anyone who loves this country the way it is supposed to be and is a conservative.

There is a large and powerful outside force that's applying the pressure for this to pass.

You can bet they are not conservative and they have their interest at heart and not yours mine or the country's.

The strong conservatives leaders have been quietly eliminated through the past years and this is why the Republican Party has not come to their aid.

Delay was one of the last and now Hastert has started looking over his shoulder in the last few weeks.

It is not just the Republicans but the leaders of both parties have been under the control of these rich special interests for many years working and biding their time.

Presidents of both parties have pushed these trade agreements and both want this bill to pass but they say for different reasons.

The Globalists know the time is now and they know they will only get one shot at it.

They know if this bill passes it will change the voting demographics so much that later elections and which party wins won't matter to them as far as their Global agenda is concerned

There will never be enough of us patriot voters, even when we do wake up, who love our country to take it back at the poles as it will be gone too far.

We have been watching the wrong war.

This is much too long. Sorry. I hope I'm wrong.

105 posted on 05/26/2006 11:16:46 PM PDT by mississippi red-neck (You will never win the war on terrorism by fighting it in Iraq and funding it in the West Bank.)
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To: Ronin
How much longer are FReepers going to continue supporting Bush and the Senate after this bill?

The FROBL is a slippery lot. You won't find a one stating: "I support the Senate bill, and this is why".

Instead it is just carping about "Bushaters", and "Border Hysterics", etc. They hide behind GWB's skirts, proclaiming their undying support for the President, but if Bush turned against illegals, the FROBL would turn on Bush.

106 posted on 05/26/2006 11:22:03 PM PDT by Plutarch
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To: mississippi red-neck

I hope you're wrong, too, but just about everything I've seen you post on FR is right.

Question: What do we tell the troops when they come "home" to the United North America? What do we tell the veterans? And what do we tell the souls of those who died fighting for freedom and the U.S.A.? ... when we have piece by piece surrendered those freedoms and now comes the final blow.

As Memorial Day approaches, these are the questions that hurt the most.

107 posted on 05/26/2006 11:23:41 PM PDT by La Enchiladita (God Bless Our Troops...including U.S. Border Patrol, America's First Line of Defense)
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To: Regulator

And, he knew when to be here for the victory.

108 posted on 05/26/2006 11:28:30 PM PDT by La Enchiladita (God Bless Our Troops...including U.S. Border Patrol, America's First Line of Defense)
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To: nmh
Bush is figuratively screwing his party and the country.

What I don't understand is, WHY?

That's an easy one. All you need to understand is that Bush is a globalist first and an American second. When the interests of his friends and allies in pursuit of their global fantasy clash with the interests of Americans and America, Bush chooses the global interests.

It's all very simple. It's all about the dangerous and destructive pursuit of a fantasy. Once you understand this, Bush ceases to be a mystery.

109 posted on 05/27/2006 12:30:36 AM PDT by Colorado Buckeye (It's the culture stupid!)
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To: demkicker

There was ample evidence of Bush's liberalism while he was governor of Texas. Limbaugh ignored it.

110 posted on 05/27/2006 5:55:19 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: Luke21

Truthfully a guy like Forbes could have benefitted greatly from Limbaugh's attention. I voted for Buchanan, btw, because Bush wasn't a conservative. Forbes and PJB had more bona fide conservative credentials than Bush did.

111 posted on 05/27/2006 5:57:23 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: bpjam
He was (WAS).

I beg to differ. He NEVER was.

112 posted on 05/27/2006 5:58:32 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: Fawn

As I said in a previous response: Limbaugh ignored ample evidence of Bush's liberalism.

113 posted on 05/27/2006 5:59:22 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: nonliberal
Prepare yourself for speaker of the house Pelosi, and senate majority leader Reid.

This third party BS and non-vote protesting will lead this country into a far worse condition than all the "moderate" Republicans ever will.

(In other words, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it, and the disaster you helped create may torment you for the rest of your life.
114 posted on 05/27/2006 6:07:45 AM PDT by PSYCHO-FREEP (MSM Creed: "Truth has no substance until we give it permission!")
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The House is the only thing saving this country from becoming a third-world socialist toilet like Mexico or France.

115 posted on 05/27/2006 6:14:53 AM PDT by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)
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To: La Enchiladita
As Memorial Day approaches, these are the questions that hurt the most.

I know exactly what you mean. Not only what do we tell our troops but what do we tell the rest our children and grandchildren?

We can blame a lot of people for what has happened to our country but the ultimate responsibility lies with each of us, especially those of us who are older like myself who have been blessed to live in such a great country and should have been harder to fool.

116 posted on 05/27/2006 6:18:14 AM PDT by mississippi red-neck (You will never win the war on terrorism by fighting it in Iraq and funding it in the West Bank.)
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To: Colorado Buckeye

Very good Buckeye. MRN.

117 posted on 05/27/2006 6:21:54 AM PDT by mississippi red-neck (You will never win the war on terrorism by fighting it in Iraq and funding it in the West Bank.)
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To: Revel
Let me give you something more realistic, but optimistic, to think about.

As ironic as it may be, assuming the House holds firm on its tougher, close-the-border-first immigration bill, the Republicans might just lose the Senate but retain control of the House!

This is the exact opposite of what some Democrat pundits have been predicting might happen. They have all but written off the Senate, but many see opportunities in the House.

It is not an outcome I want to see, but considering public opinion regarding the "Amnesty Bill," and other factors, it is actually more likely.

The result of such an outcome would be a vitriolic Democrat majority in the Senate, unable to provide its base with the much hoped for impeachment proceedings against the President because such proceedings must begin in the House.

Then, after the Democrat Majority in the Senate has had about two years to make a holy, ass-clown show of itself, and the Democrats inevitably nominate the fatally flawed Hillary Clinton to run in 2008, we might have a real Conservative Republican Presidential candidate with popular coat tails broad enough to replace the RINO majority in the Senate with real Conservative Senators.
118 posted on 05/27/2006 10:39:07 PM PDT by TSchmereL ("Rust but terrify.")
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To: no-to-illegals
You are being far too harsh on Rush. I've heard him rant on several occasions about illegal immigrants. I bet if he wanted to, Rush could probably fill up an entire program with past quips and coverage he's given the topic of illegal immigration. Lashing out at Rush is not only unfair but ridiculous.

Try to recognize Rush for what he is and be thankful he's educated our former old skulls full of mush. Thanks to Rush, we all quit drinking the red kooliade of the MSM (aka the Drive-by media). Remember, on a daily basis, Rush spreads the optimistic virtues of conservatism. I'm sure there have been hundreds of days that Rush was down and out about where our country is heading. Rush is a talented motivator of enlightenment of what is going on in our political world and he has no doubt had despondent moments like we all have.

He has to maneuver carefully. While Rush is a teller of truth, there are many mine fields he's got to be careful to avoid. It's been proven that the MSM, liberals and the moderate know nothings are either out to get Rush or jump on his negative bandwagon.

I'm convinced that if Rush acted like a Michael Savage and routinely blasted the President on a daily basis, the Bush defenders and the Rush haters would end up destroying him. Rush is brilliant. For years he has tap danced on the edge of the envelope by fertilizing conservatism and shedding its enlightening truth. All the while, he has grown his audience in the process.

Rush challenges us to think outside our immediate worlds. He presents evidence of political happenings, and summarizes them profoundly. When Rush weaves the evidence of today's truths and puts them in his captivating monologues we are better for it. His purpose isn't to be a politician, but to entertain and make us beg for more truths about the free will and choices we have between good and evil. In the process he motivates us to make a difference.
119 posted on 05/28/2006 8:21:16 AM PDT by demkicker (democrats and terrorists are intimate bedfellows)
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To: Uncledave

120 posted on 05/29/2006 12:44:34 AM PDT by davidosborne (
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