1 posted on
05/25/2006 12:16:27 PM PDT by
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To: tsmith130
Sealed until the yellow washes off their bellies.
To: tsmith130; All
What confusion???? You mean until the quivering Congresscritters stop peeing in their pants at the thought of their secrets being let out!
To: tsmith130
4 posted on
05/25/2006 12:18:57 PM PDT by
To: tsmith130
You can almost hear the horsetrading going on if you put your ear to the ground.
5 posted on
05/25/2006 12:19:09 PM PDT by
(Somebody important make The Call.....pitchforks and lanterns.!)
To: tsmith130
LOL you beat me to it
only just .......
6 posted on
05/25/2006 12:19:21 PM PDT by
(I love W)
To: tsmith130
8 posted on
05/25/2006 12:19:32 PM PDT by
(Botulism: Doing the same thing over and over and over, yet expecting a different outcome.)
To: tsmith130
Some animals are more equal than others...
10 posted on
05/25/2006 12:20:00 PM PDT by
(Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist. John Adams)
To: tsmith130
Makes you think that Jefferson may have taken some documents he shouldn't have in addition to bribes. Hmmm... goes to show, there is probably a lot more going on in the story than we were initially led to believe.
12 posted on
05/25/2006 12:20:08 PM PDT by
(Those who advocate, and act to promote, victory by Democrats are not conservatives!)
To: tsmith130
Thanks Mr. President. Better get back to that "it's not amnesty when you let illegals have citizenship" plan of yours...
14 posted on
05/25/2006 12:20:12 PM PDT by
(Qwerty ergo typo : I type, therefore I misspelll. 17,400+ snide replies and counting!)
To: tsmith130
Bush is not satisfied with his low poll numbers and wants to see if he can hit the single digits.
To: tsmith130
It seems like another coverup. Everybody is covering for everybody else. Is that what's called conspiracy?
This is the same administration that's covering Able Danger.
If I vote Republican, it will be because the only viable alternative is the Dimwit Party.
21 posted on
05/25/2006 12:21:23 PM PDT by
(For the love of money is the root of all evil - I Timothy 6:10)
To: tsmith130
They're confused alright.. meanwhile, the stink gets worse.
22 posted on
05/25/2006 12:21:33 PM PDT by
(God Bless America and All who protect and preserve this Great Nation.)
To: tsmith130
They should seal the entire Capital...check that....all of DC. No new taxes. No raises. No stacks of cash. No nothin'. Move along folks...nothing to see here.
23 posted on
05/25/2006 12:21:35 PM PDT by
Liberty Valance
(Keep a simple manner for a happy life)
To: tsmith130
To: tsmith130
What exactly was the FBI supposed to do?
There is NO constitutional provisions for the executive ranch turning over investigations to the legislative branch.
Did the framers put in provisions that the Speaker of the House be notified of pending investigations and have his approval before warrants for crimes are issued and served?
Absolutely not.
32 posted on
05/25/2006 12:24:18 PM PDT by
(When in doubt, move to the right....)
To: tsmith130
Must be some info William Jefferson D-LA has on the republicans. I wonder when this cover-up will be blown?
35 posted on
05/25/2006 12:24:41 PM PDT by
("People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence")
To: tsmith130
Doc's sealed for 45 days
house says it's a violation of their laws
SEal documents and send them to office of solicitor general.
37 posted on
05/25/2006 12:24:50 PM PDT by
(I love W)
To: tsmith130
Excellent. Means they'll blow four months before the elections.
To: tsmith130
Somehow or another I just have to trust the President on this one. I don't want the investigation to be done in the press...but I do want to know that the investigation will be done. If more than Jefferson are involved, I'd not like them to know if they are part of the investigation either. If something important comes up that we need to know about...I'm sure the NYT will leak it. :)
40 posted on
05/25/2006 12:25:25 PM PDT by
(Al Qaeda was working in Iraq. They were just undocumented.)
To: tsmith130
Justice Dubya makes a ruling. LOL
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