If so, then calling president Bush a "traitor" and worse, isn't "savaging", in your lexicon, I guess.
I've read them. And sure they are savaging. But I'm not referring to the "savagers" as loyal Republican voters. And I've never savaged Bush because I give him a lot of credit in some areas. I can't do it in every psot. I think he's shown a lot of backbone to have stood up to the avalanche of unfair attacks. But I, along with others, have been critical, particularly on border issues, where I firmly believe criticism has been justified. Are we to go easy on him in the illegal immigration/amnesty areas just to compensate for unjust and intemperate attacks against him that we have not made? And as you allude, the true savagers they may well have been DU plants. Most of the rest of have been trying to help the POTUS do the right thing.
I am NOT a " DU push poser" and there are other's here who are not, also. I love GW and what he has done, but he is wrong, wrong, wrong (in the words of "Sheets Byrd") about immigration. To suggest anyone dissenting with YOUR unconditional acceptance of anything GW does is naive. There ARE honest people who can honest disagreement with honest people.