To: papertyger
Are you actually defending women who voluntarily become single mothers? I thought we had this settled earlier.
I defended women who chose single motherhood who were rape victims against the absolutists on this thread that said NO woman should EVER choose to be a single mother and if they find themselves pregnant should put the child up for adoption.
462 posted on
05/21/2006 9:13:36 PM PDT by
(Proud to be a WalMartian --- beep)
To: Gabz
I defended women who chose single motherhood who were rape victims against the absolutists on this thread that said NO woman should EVER choose to be a single mother and if they find themselves pregnant should put the child up for adoption.So you are saying there is nothing wrong with the practice...after all, you have no idea if, or how often, such situations will turn out like your friend's. Don't you find your position somewhat doctrinaire?
467 posted on
05/21/2006 9:25:27 PM PDT by
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