Hey, I could use the jet stream to send balloons across the Pacific Ocean, too. What I can't do, however (and I don't understand how anyone in 1945 could have done it), is: 1) ensure that it follows a precise track that takes it directly over the U.S., and 2) runs out of air over the U.S. (as opposed to landing in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean in Europe, or -- heaven forbid -- floats all the way around the world and lands in Japan).
After the payload was released, the balloon had a self destruct system that would destroy the balloon to prevent the Americans from capturing one intact.
It isnt that hard. If you have a rudimentary knowledge of wind patterns, velocities and distances, you set various balloons to destruct after a certain time frame. It is a pretty stupid way to make war, but that is what the Japanese had to work with at that point, as decimated as they were.
Hey, I could use the jet stream to send balloons across the Pacific Ocean, too. What I can't do, however (and I don't understand how anyone in 1945 could have done it), is: 1) ensure that it follows a precise track that takes it directly over the U.S., and 2) runs out of air over the U.S. (as opposed to landing in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean in Europe, or -- heaven forbid -- floats all the way around the world and lands in Japan).
"From the late fall of 1944 through the early spring of 1945, the Japanese launched more than 9,000 of these "fusen bakudan", or fire balloons, of which 300 were found or observed in the US."
It's like talking to a wall with some people
Again, just because you don't see how it could happen doesn't mean that it didn't happen. You really should at least know a little bit about the ACTUAL history of WWII before making ridiculous statements.