Posted on 05/18/2006 8:56:42 PM PDT by FairOpinion
There's growing support for President Bush on the hot-button issue of immigration, according to a CBS News poll.
Most Americans say they approve of the immigration reform proposals the president outlined in a nationally televised address earlier this week. They're also somewhat optimistic that Congress will pass an immigration bill by years end.
Sixty-two percent favor the president's plan to station up to 6,000 National Guard troops at the U.S.-Mexico border, while 32 percent are opposed.
Six in 10 also approve of Mr. Bush's proposal for a guest worker program, which would let foreign workers stay in the United States on a temporary basis and then return to their home country.
An even higher number, 77 percent, support a program that would clear the way for illegal immigrants to seek citizenship if they've been in the United States for at least five years, pay a fine and back taxes, learn to speak English and have no criminal record.
On another issue much in the news these days, the CBS poll finds Americans narrowly approve, by 51-44 percent, of the government collecting phone records to use in the fight against terrorism.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
No criminal record...
That means at least 100% should be sent back...
Thought you ought to see what Americans REALLY think.
Or, you can believe the Rassmussen poll:
Bush, GOP Poll Numbers Fall After President's Speech
Just 39% of voters agree with the President's approach on the immigration issue while an equal number are opposed. To fully comprehend how bad that number is, remember that most Presidential addresses produce a bounce adding a few extra points of temporary support for the White House position. Just 35% believe the President's approach will reduce illegal immigration.
But the bad reviews don't stop there. Before the President's speech, Rasmussen Reports found that Democrats had a 10-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot. Following the speech, the Democrats lead grew to 15 points, 48% to 33%. While the Generic Congressional Ballot is not particularly valuable in projecting House elections, it is a useful measure of the national mood and that mood is decidedly turning against the GOP at the moment.
The same trend can be found on the President's Job Approval Ratings. At Rasmussen Reports, we measure this rating every night and report the results on a three-day rolling average. Data released today (Thursday) is the first where most of the interviews were conducted after the Monday night address. The result, President Bush's Job Approval fell to the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports--36%. Just 15% Strongly Approve, that's also the lowest on record. One telling detail is that just 65% of Republicans Approve of the job Mr. Bush is doing.
Goes to show you, you can get anything with polls.
The only poll that counts, is the one in November.
One more thing from the Rassmussen poll:
"Finally, there is one other bit of news that will grab the attention of Republicans everywhere. While the President's ratings have fallen over the past couple of weeks, Hillary Clinton's numbers are bouncing back. We've been conducting a Hillary Meter poll every other week for over a year and this week's survey produced the best numbers ever for the former First Lady."
Republicans better decide in November,whether they want to keep a Republican Congress, or a Dem one, with Hillary as president.
None of which is in the current Senate bill.
All of those provisions are in the Senate bill.
One of the best parts of the bill:
Senate Adds Amendment to Immigration Bill to Make English Nat'l Language
And remember this:
"Sen. Joe Biden (D.-M.D.), Sen. Hillary Clinton (D.-N.Y.) and Sen. Russ Feingold (D.-Wisc.) all thought to be potential 2008 Democratic Presidential contenders, would not support making English the official language of our nation."
All those who want to turn the country over to the Dems, just look at this.
"Thought you ought to see what Americans REALLY think."
Ever think that perhaps CBS News isn't the most reliable source? Recall those draft records mysteriously faxed to Dan Rather?
636 adults polled. Hardly a reliable poll - by CBS & the NYT.
I believe a similar percentage of Americans supported additional gun control in the wake of the Columbine shootings. I would also like to see the questions asked in this poll.
if they've been in the United States for at least five years, pay a fine and back taxes, learn to speak English and have no criminal record.
That might be worth looking at, if I ever used CBS polls as a credible source. Backtrack through my postings. I critisized people for accepting CNN and Zogby, and stated only RASS, BattleGround and Mason Dizon as polls I follow. This has been consistent with my position since 2004. Do you expect me to change this position now and accept a poll wrong in 2004? I don't think so.
For the record, though, most polls I've seen have stated the same. With the caveat. ENFORCEMENT FIRST. And that is the House position.
If we stop the flow of new illegals coming across the border, it almost doesn't matter at all what happens with those already hear -- not fair, but as long as the main objective of the border being secured is accomplished, the rest has very little long term impact.
The purpose ofhte guest worker program is to eliminate thereason to come here illegally.
Bush is right, border security combined with a guest worker program will sole the illegal immigration problem.
"and then return to their home country. "
Right - just like they kept the law when they came over illegally and Still stay here illegally...
Yes, they will return to their homes after the 6 year Worker program card says their time is up! They're finally going to follow the law...
I don't think so...
Highlights of Senate Immigration Bill
_Allows illegal immigrants in the country five years or more to remain, continue working and eventually become legal residents after paying fines, back taxes and learning English.
_Requires illegal immigrants in the U.S. between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return.
_Requires those in the country less than two years to leave.
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