I'm still waitin' for ol' Jack to explain how not one, not two, but three officers have been relieved of duty... yet there's been no investigation. Curious, isn't it?
I ran across this post a few minutes ago on another forum. It makes some very fairminded points IMO.
1. It is troop bashing when guilt is assumed prior to the facts being presented and the UCMJ process has a chance to litigate the matter. The assumption should be, we don't know what happened and until all the facts are known we choose to believe the best of our military.
2. We were attacked by a murderous enemy and we are in the middle of a global war against Islamic terrorism. Thus, two things must be remembered: (a) War is never a tidy affair and while misconduct will happen in war, such incidents should not condemn the 99+% of soldiers performing their duties in a professional, honorable and quite often heroic manner. Such rare incidents likewise do not indicate the civilian military leadership and the administration in power approved of or covered-up such conduct.(b) Facts in such incidents always change over time and a rush to judgment is grossly unfair.
3) I get weary of the left claiming Bush lied or ignored facts. Most of the facts surrounding this war cannot be clear and cannot be fully disclosed, and America still expects the country to wage an effective war. Charges by the opposing party do not equal absolute proof of guilt.
4) When Murtha compared this incident to My Lai (1968), even before the investigation is completed and the military justice system has a chance to deal with whatever may have happend, is grossly irresponsible and partisan in the extreme.
5) If the report indicates nothing criminal happened or that no conduct unbecoming was involved, the left will claim a cover-up. If the report indicates something may have happened, the left will make claims of absolute guilt.
Since our military sacrifice their lives, fortunes and their families in defense of liberty, it seems that the least they deserve is the presumption on innocence unless and until the legal system judges otherwise. Is that so unreasonable? Is constant assumption of guilt by the left, following any accusation, because of their hatred for Bush seem fair?
This is about 20 comments down from the title post at the link.The site is "Expose the Left".
Caution:I don't recommend this site to everyone.There is profanity and both left and right post there.But it does give you a sense of what the moonbats are saying without having to enter the cesspool at DU.
It gets curiouser and curiouser............
Good catch!
To: All
FYI.....Duncan Hunter just had a LIVE presser regarding the Marines/Haditha matter.
He said that the report that has NOT been finished yet, regardless of what Murtha has been saying, will be sent to the top guy (I forgot his name, sorry)...at about the end of next week...he will read and study it..for how long, Duncan didn't know.
THEN, he said that HE will have hearings on this matter, and probably so will Sen. Warner in the Senate.
He then went on and said that over 970,000 different troops have fought or are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and regardless of how this investigation ends, this incident with a few Marines, on one morning in Nov. of last years, should NOT reflect on the rest of the troops.
When questioned, he was asked why they are having hearings/investigations if this will be handled by the Military? And is Congress going to have a "trial" at the same time as the military?
Duncan said NO...they were going to go over evidence in this incident just "procedures"...hmmmmmmm
Then he was asked if it was a good thing for Congress to have hearings before there is even a trial, verdict, etc?
He pretty much didn't answer that I heard...just said that Americans need to know that "we" don't look the other way...and that "we" need to make sure that all protocol, blah, blah, is followed.
Other than that, he wouldn't answer any questions...just said he decided to have the presser to "clear up" some statements (Murtha) that have been made that not only mean nothing because the report isn't finished...but, that he is afraid that the MSM will "use" this incident to smear the rest of our troops.
Don't know if any of you are interested in this...but I am, so I thought I would share.
381 posted on 05/19/2006 2:45:28 PM EDT by Txsleuth