You know - the immigration articles would be more noticed if they were not filled with hate Bush rhetoric or the typical "teach the GOP a lesson by making them lose an election" junk.
They do not have discussion - just rhetoric. Stuff like shoot all of them as they come over - there has to be an army on the border today or Bush will not get my vote ---and "yeah, I've got my rifle ready".
A serious discussion of workable options to solve the problems is needed and good minds are needed. Let us know when a legimate immigration discussion is posted. I don't believe it can be done.
The problem is that unless you Goose Step with the Borderliners you get ganged up on. Unless you are for a Wall, gun towers and mass deportation your a Globalist or something. They are completely intolerent of opposing ideas which is what FR used to be about.
Even if they got everything they would be happy for about a week until Bush made another mistake. Between the seminar posters, Pukanannanites and assorted Bushaters it is pretty easy to keep the pot stirred.
Pray for W and Our Troops