Ok DMZ let's clarify this further for you...
Working outside the home with small pre-school children to support an empty materialistic existence or lazy turd husband = BAD
Stay at home Mom without any issues of abuse or addiction = GOOD
The evidence is incontrovertible, to argue otherwise is to try and prove the world is flat. These aberrant studies trying to grasp and any bit of data are usually bogus and in addition are of suspect origin. The great American tragedy of the last 40 years has been women with small children flooding the workplace. Not to simply exist, but to afford the 40k SUV, the vacations, the swimming pools and the $1500 mortgage payment. I have no idea of your situation but if you are the Working Mom or the limp wristed spouse of one I can assure you my raised by Mom at home kids will be happier, more well adjusted, driven and centered than your daycare kids hands down. As far as the skinny working Mom, its pretty damn easy. When I was single most of lunch hours were filled with lots of hot sex with the working Mommies. You guys who send your wives out to work watch them close and question all her male co-workers she calls Friends.
"When I was single most of lunch hours were filled with lots of hot sex with the working Mommies. You guys who send your wives out to work watch them close and question all her male co-workers she calls Friends."
So you're saying working women all have the loose morals of the women you preyed indiscriminately upon yourself, and men should be suspicious of their wives because you were a male slut? Nice. And since when do men "send wives out to work"?
Oh, oops, you aren't joking? Sorry.
I will oppose the character, health, intelligence and happiness of my babysat child to yours any day of the week. So there!
ROFL! Knuckle Dragger Poster of the Day!!
I can assure you my raised by Mom at home kids will be happier, more well adjusted, driven and centered than your daycare kids hands down.
Excellent answer in that entire post.
And I hope you remember to tell your wife that frequently.
(Oh, it wasn't supposed to be funny?)
As a Christian a tenent of my faith is to profess the Gospel
Was this before or after or during these "hot sex" sessions?
I am a working mother with a son who is well adjusted, responsible, happy, a good student, and anything else you could want for a child. He's an honor student taking AP courses, was accepted to every college he applied to, has driven for two years with no tickets or accidents, and has a steady job on weekends. You seem to find it so easy to make generalizations, which you know, are always false.
Are you suggesting that I should take moral advice from an admitted serial fornicator? You sound like you were little better than a cheap gigolo (When I was single most of lunch hours were filled with lots of hot sex with the working Mommies). I'm glad sex for lunch worked out so well for you.
Good thing you have a wife at home raising those kids of yours, I can't imagine the values you'd teach them.
How old are your kids? One of mine is already out of college, working full time, so let's talk about "happier, more well adjusted, driven and centered", shall we? Or my middle daughter, full scholarship student who just finished her junior year (3.8 GPA while playing Division 1 athletics). The youngest is 14, and she seems to be developing a pretty good head on her shoulders.
Your feeble attempt to take 1 variable (day care vs stay at home mom) and make that the predictor is laughably foolish. But I bet I'm not the first (nor shall I be the last) to look at your post and think "who pi$$ed in his cornflakes?" Have a bitter rest of your day. Seems like you're already there.
You consider yourself to be a conservative male interested in protecting the interests of the American Family AND you profess to having affairs with married women?
Pick one - you don't get to be both.
I am a conservative male who respects woman and the American Family and I believe your post shows severe character flaws.