No, lets just let the State raise our kids. It is what the feminazi's and all the rest of the commie scum want anyway. It's written in their manifesto.
What an idiotic study. Anyone can be thinner and healthier, it takes self discipline.
I find this very difficult to believe. Since when dos sitting behind a desk trying to juggle family and work make one thinner and healthier?
And one thing is for certain: The kids are typically much worse off when their mom works outside the home.
This is BOGUS...lots of heavy weights with kids are working. Trust In Hoc on this, he sees the tons'o fun...everyday :-)
Gee, and all along I thought weight gain was about calorie intake vs output. I guess I should just start eating bon bons, getting fat is inevitable since I stay at home.
The children however, are screwed up at much higher rates.
Why didn't they just use that as the headline? It seems to be pretty much what they meant.
The important question is, are the kids happier and healthier?
Actually, this is a misleading study. It all depends on person to person, mother-to-mother.
Funny, what I've seen is just the opposite. The stay-at-home moms in our neighborhood have a lot more spare time to take walks, go to exercise class, swim, garden, etc. The working moms are so exhausted from work that they have neither the time nor the energy to get much exercise, so they gain weight.
The researchers are just confusing correlation with causality once again. The difference in weight is not related to working but to social class. The upper-middle class is more likely to chuck their kids into daycare and go off to be executives and lawyers all day, and they're also the ones who tend to be thin for social reasons. Working class folks tend to be heavier. They're also more likely to stay home with their kids, partly due to good values and sheer love of their children, and partly because they don't make enough money to make daycare financially viable. The same stay-at-home moms who are heavier would be heavier if they went back to work; work doesn't make you lose weight. On the contrary.
I wonder if they did a study of those women who had children before their twenties that went to work in their 30's after the kids were raised.
Or how about the women who had career during their 20's and 30's and gave birth in their 40's and stayed home with the kids.
Too many variables.
Funny, the word 'happier' appears to be missing. :o)
Curiously, I was in WORSE shape when I was a cubicle jockey.
Are working women thinner?
As a group, perhaps.
Are they "healthier"?
I seriously doubt it.
My stay-at-home wife is thinner and healthier because she makes time to plan great meals, walk on her treadmill or take the kids for walks. Oh, by the way, Our kids are 3 and 1 year old and she babysits an 18 month old 3 days a week.
Did I mention that she gave up her career in orthodontia to be a mom?
My defensive, and paranoid. This article is just stating a fact. It's not advocating anything.
(1) "stay at home" moms on the dole, and
(2) "stay at home" moms who are in a stable marriage and whose husbands are the breadwinners (not the nanny state).
Group 2, I believe, are far less likely to be obese than group 1.
But lump them together, and you get a misleading statistic that suits the purposes of the elitist left.
Working Moms Healthier, Thinner Than Stay at HomesNot the ones who work for the government(s).
Sorry, but here in MN you're likely to be overweight whether you're married, at home, at work, a championship swimmer or a homeless starving bum.
I wish studies and surveys and polls would stop telling me how my life is.