observations - not hope. And overthrowing isn't necessary (kick into the lower abdomen would be cool) lust wait until the next election comes. Mr. Ahmedinedjads only inner political chance is the successful provocation of Israel.
A radio station btw sometimes is a much sharper sword then a B-2 rearrangeing stones in a dessert - or taking out one of many facilities. These guys all have a satellite dishes behind some plastic curtains on their balconies - watching CNN and some might even watch FOX ;-) - that is the best weapon against Ape Boy. Shoot him and they got another mad hatter ready.
This guy is NOT Hitler - because he can't invade any of his bordering countries - he's a really lame duck.
He's dangerous enough because there is a slight chance that he's stuid enough to attack Israel once he got nukes. So there is a big chance israel will strike him as soon as he's got a nuke. Infact we will notice the day his manhattan project is close to the finish line by having an Israely (led) airstrike.
But until then - we should swamp this guy otherwise.
And he will wait and amass an arensal of 200 odd warheads before using any. Then Hamas will get some, and so with Al-Qaeda, or whatever its contemporary version is then called. Could take 10 years, you can kick it down the road without worrying about tomorrow's headlines.
But you will get a generation long confrontation with nuclear terrorism as your reward.