Posted on 05/14/2006 4:56:29 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
Sunday, May 14th, 2006
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Laura Bush; author Mary Cheney; columnist Art Buchwald.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Former House speaker Newt Gingrich.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): White House national-security adviser Stephen Hadley; Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.; Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.
THIS WEEK (ABC): First lady Laura Bush; Sens. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Joe Biden, D-Del.; actress Reese Witherspoon.
LATE EDITION (CNN) : Hadley; former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski; Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.; Abdul-Illah al-Khatib, Jordanian foreign minister.
Thanks again rodguy...
Many great/outstanding posts. As to be expected the immigration debate reveals many sides as well as the usual topics of msm bias,whether or not we will be standing behind GW, many takes on many shows, talk radio as well as tv, great links about almost every topic under the sun from Gov. Rutabaga (Gov. Richardson) in NM and his corruption problems to fierce in-fighting here on FR just to name a few.
So let's take a look at some of the more noteworthy posts.
Here are the acknowledgments:
bray--230--* 1/2"walk on water conservatives" most will criticize rather than roll up their sleeves and actually do something, 328**--polls are everything Clinton vs.GW,444--polls are bogus w/caller I.D. X 1,000,498--talk radio Bushbashers.
Bahbah--#15,*--#35--Jeb and Harris fixed elections,#73,#225*--timmy outfoxed by Newt.
carolinamom--#237*--I have a plan--vote Republican#100*--Laura Bush epitome of a good woman.
Greyfox39--*624--Richardson corruption.
Bushiefa--#516--I watch fNC less.
Defconw--people don't fall for paternalism anymore*--694*--GW link
--darthrepublican--#315--special award
airborn--307*--phony polls,314*--are terrorists coming across the border?
beavus--#252,#267--*what is Rupert Murdoch doing?#336*kids with no dads,
johnny7--#296 *distortion of wiretaps
krunkygirl--*#360--oprah the liberal
lawdude--**1/2/--12-20 million people won't go home--lawdude is always brilliant today he was right on.
bettyjane--#258--*-we need a real wall.
generationfixit--#511--**1/2--agenda of the day for Dems--excellent post must read for all time lines of msm hit pieces,#524--*1/2--dems are back seat drivers.
evad--750--**perot is a wackjob--insists there were mia's in asia being hidden by adm.--excellent post great look see at perot's wackiness.
oldenorthchurch--#55*--GW/sw governors
pusterfuss--159--*-good link on WWII secrets
rocean--**anyone can fly here on a visa and then refuse to leave
sgtyork--#733*1/2--get taxes paid with incentives and enforcement
solidsupplyside**1/2--newt analysis-newt is the vision of pubbie politics he is solid principle--delay talked but didn't deliver like newt914--
semom--*melting pot ain't working spanish is spoken everywhere
thebaddog--*I'll vote for Newt,529--newt take,
tillacum--our trooops are first class*
unclevlad--#239 **--if senate bill passes --we could have 3-50 million illegal aliens become us citizens,#442 *1/2--remove incentives for illegals to stay451--I applogize for Sen Hagel,#461--*--Nebraska voters would crawl over broken glass to vote against Sen Hagel.
zook--#217--*--Juan is insane,221.
#10--acsrp38--528**supporting border control is winning elections(rush had a piece on this the other day which confirmed what is said)633,816,36--if you dont like GW it could be worse,50
#10--alasbabylon--#18,611**--russert has the gall to ask us to back down,52,595
#10--cardinal4--232--photo id.,dems plan impeachment and troop withdrawal, 254,nsa take,276--hillary on fnc,289--dr. rice has class,300,573,govt. of nola waited for fed. govt. to fix hurricane damage,**671--russert attacks blogs,723,734,**848--call your insurance company--illegals running wild in Calif. excellent take.
#10--altura--264--russert take,275,305--Mtp bias,#330--**tim pushes his what about the children line to newt--great stuff--good read,338--condi needs to visit more campiiii,479--laura ingraham take.
longtermmemory--#184--**--without a wall all reform is useless--191--*religious voters greater than non-religious,546--**1/2--what happens when dems are linked with the terrorists--this has to be the rats worst fears and the good news for us is that it is inevitable!!538.
#10--fuddfan--#285--polls turkey baloney--299--rats will do voter fraud--399--asian immigrants, cubans,focus on hard work.
#10--mjolnir--361--kids need fathers **`152--mary landrieu take,228--mary cheney take--268--whats up with kristol.
#10--OldFriend--#485*--FNC has sought out the dumbest people--(more weekend programming)494*--dems too stupid to vote-590--*1/2--sick of bush bashers,684,**--rangel absconding with funds from the Apollo theater,685,706,795,942,953
#10snugs--72-photos essay on cheney,76,91,**people don't get it, we are at war!!,110,543,**1/2--reckless sex, women having babies with multiple partners --it's a time bomb,--wrong part of society is breeding--more brilliance from snugs excellent.
#10--tomguy--#94--newt take,162--great links on immigration and Newt,174--**1/2--troops to the border,scam boon or bust, are troops powerless,674---**wheel of fortune voters--good--Tom's great wit shows again.
#10--Starwise-also special award--post 3208--***--a court order is not the only authorization for wire tapping --excellent--difference between GW and bubba--great wisdom from starwise.
#10--#517--John Gibson take*--563,*--dems are transparent,574--border threads are out of control,629,657,663,--excellent blog link,677,688,702--others-- great day for the sleuth.
#9--maica#43--58**rules dont matter for rats,--rats have gone over the edge 107*--don't give away any secrets,172--**ins responsible for the magnitude of the problem with illegals,179682,695**--how to read msm pieces,700**--rats take both sides of issues.
#9--phsstpok--#131--**rats will agree to anything and then go bakon their word,--they learned it fromthe arabs--classic phsstpok,158--**1/2--who is who in govt. excellent take 565--**msms lies about katrina,phsstpok was on the road or there would have been much more I am sure.
#8 Missmarple--#11--**someone should slap julian,33,38--PBS take--good,53--palast lowers her iq,124,mary cheney is not a single issue person**,155,195,227**rat platform-- gas, min. wage, ss reform health issues,another great day for MM.
#8--cedar dave--#274--rats do what they complain about--402--FR a learning thread,488--will stern come back 540--**1/2--libs don't believe this is a time of war --allows them to do anything--must read here,561--**-once an illegal gets over the border past check points they are not going back--567--we must secure borders,621--**1/2 gov. Richardson corruption excellent must read.
#7--MO1--84,99,190,194**--msm made up stuff about Katrina,207--dems reveal their poan at labor day,261**--enforcing immigration laws takes feds and locals--283**--Dem party of my parents no longer exists,308,418,462--**locals must help feds on immigration enforcement,478--**1/2--aMerica is paying for Mexicon welfare,487.
#6--aliveritas--POst # 899--only 4 star post on the thread must read --links to everything you can imagine. The FR queen of research does it again.
#6--samantha--#458--great hurricane take**,368*-is tony snow lurking,458--MSM wins PR battle of katrina,blame state and local govt. for aftermath 477**radio bloviations,490**-congres people are like sopa opera people--"line please"--(only samantha can do this stuff),502--dems are so over,#514--**1/2 Gov rutabaga richardson,in NM running for pres.549,556,606**--bill/hill triangulate with nat. security,rude not to speak English,618,643,652,660,669,704--stop pushing ethanol,721--kasich acts like a dem,758,788,812,912,913--another great day for the wisdom--tell it like it is gal.
#5--kabar--242--Newt asking us to drink koolaid--illegals won't go back,260**great analysis socha security,281**-we can't enforce laws on books now about illegal aliens,304--**1/2 cut off source of illegals before you deal with the ones that are here,317--no political will,342--**1/2--border needs to be secured first--land rush from Mexico,we need troops on border to cleanup mess we made,446,472,**--bottom line once you get here you want to stay,534,555,581***--three star post--elephant in the room is 107 million people with a high birth rate want to come to the richest country on the planet, til we secure borders they will come no matter what, 625,**excellent solution for border must read --great day kabar.
#4--anita--#181**Leakers are criminals,259--polls with the prez. 272--dr. Rice should speak at more cappii,292,390--tony snow gaggle,**,shows why the msm are like they are,453--great 522,23--fnc losing credibility and its brains,24**most Americans support nsa data program,314,445,102--quest what is really going on,139**1/2--media nuggets,great as always,154,166 well you get it just another great week for anita. #4-Morganindenver--#16,#21**impossible to listen to all the phone calls the left says we did,27--GW doesn't govern by polls,46,71--rats can't scare voters as good as before,89--wacko left controls dems money,101,141,143,151,**can't just fire bad people in govt.,266--media is clueless,271,404**FNC britt smackdown,juan not serious about the war,765**1/2 Russerts image built on lies, excellent analysis of what drives rat losers,773,780 and many others.
Whoops forgot MNJohnnie was tied with Morgan at # 5 let's do him first.
#5MNJohnnie--#67--***three star post --this is MNJ's 60% clause--extremely important concept to keep in mind!!--"Life, especially in politics, requires compromise",While conservatives and freepers all over the country have been raising hell over immigration,problems of budgetary spending and other errors or miscues of the bush adm.ending in almost endless bush bashing, MNJ has been keeping his head.--He theorizes that if we get 60% of what we are looking for as our agenda from the adm. we have done well. It's a great philosophy and should be taken to heart by many freepers who have driven themselves and others crazy the past few weeks. 455,tims reputation used to be fair and balanced now he is a dnc mouthpiece,197,**1/2 our talking head don't stand for anything,340,**perpetual whining--talk less, do more,!!,344--CNN gets it wrong,350,441**--great-- terrorist vs. crime analysis,we respond to crime but prevent terrorism--huge difference,455,580,**1/2leftist debate tactics" scream bile and hate at all things conservative." just another day for MNJ's brilliance.
#3.A.Hun--#41--**remind folks there is more than just one issue,78*--venom from the left is scary,116**rats have to divide conservatives,126,tim a manipulative bastard,456,176,196,gay marriage over-blown,**204--politics is the blood of democracy,213--we are the only antidote for the msm gone wild**,231--look for voter fraud from the rats,255**can't lose ground to one issue voters,273,290,**1/2,illegals don't want to change us to what they left,324,**great letter to editor,375,427,show down on troops with rats,456,466--ca is a lost cause 489--good fema take,623623--funniest post of the day--automated terrorist ,it's just not brown vs. us in the er but any low income person,786**multiple language becomes the death of a nation.,and many more anyway you get it. It was the huns day.
#2arizonacarolyn--257--**1/2 McCains office demanded minutemen leave his office or he would call police(will the real John McCain please standup)263crackdown on illegals and they will go home,269,278,**1/2we cant accept all mexicons all the time we need immigrants from the rest of the world 284,298,gov napolitano plays both sides,358**hillary will try and split gop vote just like perot,369,454,469**1/2 cost of illegals in Calif =$1,000 per person,499,597**water shortage =sleeping giant,664,716--ethanol is not the answer,720**stop in-fighting we are all on the same side.(words of wisdom here)836,,847.brilliant day for Arizona Carolyn.
#1--Seattle Conservative--#51**-we stole elections,59,64--We need to get out in front of the immigration debate now not let the rats have it as an issue***three star post,672--**1/2--it's a terrorist surveillance program not domestic wiretapping, we don't even have manpower to listen to phone calls if we wanted 697**1/2--dems need a plan--great take excellent links,715--**1/2 bad laws now on the books need to be changed --very well documented.759**1/2--keep people passive --limits spectrum of acceptable opinion--but allows lively debate within that spectrum "noam chomsky,830**posee comitatis 840--teach kids actual history not 883***three star post --special award--corruption in Mexico must read ,922,**don't ssecond guess potus,948--is hannity being colmesitized? What can you say SC was the leader of the thread Sunday, congrats to all who participated.
257--**1/2 McCains office demanded minutemen leave his office or he would call police(will the real John McCain please standup)263crackdown on illegals and they will go home,269,278,**1/2we cant accept all mexicons all the time we need immigrants from the rest of the world 284,298,gov napolitano plays both sides,358**hillary will try and split gop vote just like perot,369,454,469**1/2 cost of illegals in Calif =$1,000 per person,499,597**water shortage =sleeping giant,664,716--ethanol is not the answer,720**stop in-fighting we are all on the same side.(words of wisdom here)836,,847.brilliant day for Arizona Carolyn.
Gosh, snugs, I'm blushing. Thanks. It's so hard for me to make the Sunday morning threads due to the time change, but I really enjoy it (when I am able).
Way to go AC you had a great day some really good posts.
Thanks snugs as always, great job.
Thanks guys...I had a great time!
Congratulations AC & AH - -great job!
Snugs, Rod, AB - thanks again for all you do for this thread - - it is so appreciated by many FReepers!
Thank you all- - I'm very honored. It's rewarding being in such great company every Sunday!
Best FRegards,
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