It gets much better than that.
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House | John Conyers, Jr, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee |
Tom Lantos, Chairman, House International Relations Committee | David R. Obey, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations |
John Dingell, Chairman House Energy and Commerce Committee | Chaplain for the US House of Representatives?? |
Charles Rangel, Chairman, House Ways & Means Committee | Jane Harman, Chairman, House Intelligence Committee |
BARNEY FRANK, Chairman, House Financial Services Committee | Henry Waxman - House Government Reform Committee |
Patrick Kennedy, Chairman House Entertainment Committee | Chairperson, House Committee on Conspiracies |
Harry Reid, President pro Tempore of the Senate, 3rd line of succession. | Joseph Biden, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee |
RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee | Jay Rockefeller, Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee |
Robert C. Byrd, Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee | John F. Kerry, Chairman US Senate Committee on Finance |
Joe Liebermann, Chairman, Senate Homeland Security Committee | Chris Dodd, Chairman, Senate Rules and Administration Committee |
Carl Levin, Chairman Senate Armed Services Committee | John McCain, some things will stay the same |
Ted Kennedy, Chairman, Senate Committee on Immigration | President in Waiting. |
First Husband. | Patrick Leahy, well find him a job |
Barbara Boxer, well find her a job. | Senate Chaplain??? |
Maybe these clowns will be able to balance a budget, the Republicans obviously can't.
You left out Barney Frank...
Yep, that looks pretty bad, doesn't it.
So, it's time for all of the fury, anger and hate in the Republican Party in America at the thought of those Dems running the Congress to be focused like a white hot laser beam on about 10 Republican Senators who insist on amnesty and won't vote for a border fence, stand them up in front of an open grave, and make their recalcitrance the reason that all of those terrible people will take over.
Enough of those ten Republican Senators need to be beaten into submission so that the Border Conservatives don't stay home/vote third party, etc.
Fence the border THIS year.
Talk about amnesty NEXT year.
That is ALL IT WILL TAKE to swing the conservatives into the voting booth for Republicans this fall. They will have something to PROTECT: the new Fence.
Ten Republican Senators are going to give us that Congress you've shown us pictures of. They're going to give us an impeachment of Bush, a loss in Iraq and higher taxes. They need to be the targets of the entire Republican movement. They need to be compelled to change their votes or ejected from the party caucus that they are going to destroy anyway.
Well...I DID have a good lunch...before I saw this.
LOl and a 'screeeeeeaaaaaaammmmmm' here.
Isn't there some unwritten rule or courtesy that you're supposed a warning post first . . . giving
before posting such a bunch of