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Defending science education against intelligent design: a call to action
American Society for Clinical Investigation ^ | 01 May 2006 | Alan D. Attie, Elliot Sober, Ronald L. Numbers, etc.

Posted on 05/03/2006 8:23:06 AM PDT by PatrickHenry

We review here the current political landscape and our own efforts to address the attempts to undermine science education in Wisconsin. To mount an effective response, expertise in evolutionary biology and in the history of the public controversy is useful but not essential. However, entering the fray requires a minimal tool kit of information. Here, we summarize some of the scientific and legal history of this issue and list a series of actions that scientists can take to help facilitate good science education and an improved atmosphere for the scientific enterprise nationally. Finally, we provide some model legislation that has been introduced in Wisconsin to strengthen the teaching of science.

The past decade has seen breathtaking progress in evolutionary biology, thanks largely to the fruits of genome sequencing projects. The molecular footprints linking all life on the planet are now fleshed out in rich detail, and we possess a chronometer of molecular evolution going all the way back to early bacteria. This has sparked a renaissance of interest in speciation, development, and evolutionary aspects of disease susceptibility and resistance. The importance of evolution to biology was properly summarized by White House Science Adviser John Marburger when he said, "Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. Period. What else can you say?" (1).

In a parallel universe, a majority of Americans, 54%, do not believe human beings evolved, according to one poll (2). Only 38% agree with the statement, "human beings evolved from an earlier species" (3). Opposition to evolutionary theory has existed since Darwin. Efforts to eradicate or dilute the teaching of evolution persist throughout the nation despite consistent rejection in the courts. Conservative think tanks, religious fundamentalists, and influential magazines such as National Review continue their attempts to introduce pseudo-science into science classrooms. This movement has gained the support of such prominent politicians as President George W. Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, and Senator John McCain. Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a onetime biology major, said, "our school systems teach the children they are nothing but glorified apes who have evolutionized out of some primordial soup of mud" (4). Even the definition of science itself has fallen victim to political attack; the state board of education in Kansas decided that the supernatural may now be taught as science in the classroom. Some have claimed that the challenge to evolution is symptomatic of a broader, more generic attack on science itself (5).

Scientists can no longer afford to let these challenges go unopposed. The wide gap between established facts accepted by scientists and the sentiments sampled in the polls reflects a failure of science education. For this, scientists, particularly those in academia, must take some responsibility. The remedies are educational and political and must involve scientists and non-scientists. Instituting an effective response does not require large blocks of time, nor need it involve debates with creationists: small actions can have large effects.

The road to Dover.

In 1968, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that an Arkansas law banning the teaching of evolution violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The Court ruled that the Arkansas law had a religious purpose — namely, to oppose teachings perceived to conflict with the biblical story of creation. Following this defeat, opponents of evolution adopted two strategies. First, they advocated the teaching of creationism as an alternative scientific explanation, along with evolution. Second, they began to adopt scientific jargon to give creationism a veneer of science. Two states, Arkansas and Louisiana, passed laws mandating this "balanced" treatment of evolution and creationism.

This set the stage for the Arkansas trial of 1982 (McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education), which was almost entirely focused on the question "Is creationism science?" Judge William R. Overton stated in his opinion (6) that creationism fails to be a science because it fails to satisfy the following requirements: "(a) it is guided by natural law; (b) it has to be explanatory by reference to natural law; (c) it is testable against the empirical world; (d) its conclusions are tentative, i.e. are not necessarily the final word; and (e) it is falsifiable."

The issue returned to the Supreme Court in 1986–1987. The Court ruled 7–2 in Edwards v. Aguillard that Louisiana’s law calling for the balanced treatment of evolution ("evolution-science" and "creation-science") violated the First Amendment "because it lacks a clear secular purpose" and it "impermissibly endorses religion by advancing the religious belief that a supernatural being created humankind" (7).

The creationists once again mutated and adapted. After the Edwards ruling, they set about removing references to God and creationism from their tracts. For example, as revealed at the Dover trial (8), the authors of the intelligent design (ID) text Of pandas and people: the central question of biological origins stripped the direct mentions of creationism present in early drafts of the text and systematically substituted the novel term "intelligent design" (9).

The evolution of creationism.

ID is the contemporary version of an argument that has a long history. It was given a succinct formulation by William Paley in the early 19th century. Modern defenders of the design argument contend that living things are too complex to have evolved by the process of natural selection; rather, their "irreducible complexity" is convincing evidence of the hand of an intelligent designer. ID theory’s contemporary advocates, who include Lehigh University biochemistry professor Michael Behe, cite complex systems such as the blood-clotting cascade, the flagellar motor, and the human eye to argue that because these systems would be nonfunctional if even a single component part were excised, they could not have evolved by mutation/natural selection and therefore must have been "intelligently designed." The argument can be boiled down to this: complexity is itself evidence of a designer. In its current version, ID conveniently omits mention of God.

However, ID is not a scientific theory. The premise for the arguments of Behe and other ID proponents is deeply flawed, scientifically and philosophically. Behe assumes that the component parts of irreducibly complex systems never had other functions in older organisms. This is contradicted by scientific evidence. The Dover trial transcripts are illuminating (see "The Dover trial") (8). Under oath, Behe was forced to concede that there are organisms that lack some of the mammalian clotting proteins. Proteins that are present in the flagellar motor have orthologs that are involved in unrelated functions. A recent elegant example of proteins acquiring a new function within a complex system can be seen in a structure that functioned in respiration in fish and later evolved to be part of the mammalian inner ear (10).

ID makes no testable predictions. There is nothing in this concept that allows for scientific investigation of the "designer." It is simply an argument by default; the failure to explain something is said to lend credence to a supernatural explanation. The attempt to promote this as science is deeply misguided. In spite of uncounted hundreds of thousands of scientific studies published in the last 50 years, there are still demonstrable gaps in what we know about the evolution of life on this planet. However, those studies tell us a great deal about how life came to be as it is and now form the foundation of modern biology. ID, by contrast, has produced nothing.

The Discovery Institute.

The engine behind the ID movement is the Discovery Institute, founded in 1990 by Bruce K. Chapman. Today, the institute receives more than $4 million per year from numerous foundations, most with religious missions. The center’s objectives are outlined in its "Wedge Strategy," which was leaked and posted on the Internet (11). The document states that the Discovery Institute "seeks nothing less than the overthrow of materialism and its cultural legacies" and "to replace materialistic explanations with theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God." Its goals are to see ID theory as the dominant perspective in science; to see design theory applied in specific fields, including molecular biology, biochemistry, paleontology, physics, and cosmology in the natural sciences and ethics, politics, theology, and philosophy in the humanities; to see its influence in the fine arts; and to see design theory permeate our religious, cultural, moral, and political life.

The Dover decision.

In Dover, Pennsylvania, 2005, 11 parents sued to reverse a school board requirement that the following statement be read to students: "because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is defined as a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations" (Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District) (12). The required statement referred only to evolution. The third paragraph in the statement read: "Intelligent design is an explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin’s view. The reference book, Of pandas and people (9), is available for students who might be interested in gaining an understanding of what intelligent design actually involves."

In his decision, Judge John E. Jones stated that ID is essentially Paley’s argument for the existence of God, with God left unmentioned. In short, ID is a religious doctrine. He noted that Behe "claims that the plausibility argument for ID depends upon the extent to which one believes in the existence of God"; thus, "ID is a religious and not a scientific proposition." He characterized ID as "nothing less than the progeny of creationism." Jones stated that the Dover school statement forces a "false duality" on students by making them choose between God/ID and atheism/science and "singles out the theory of evolution for special treatment, misrepresents its status in the scientific community, causes students to doubt its validity without scientific justification, presents students with a religious alternative masquerading as a scientific theory, directs them to consult a creationist text as though it were a science resource, and instructs students to forego scientific inquiry in the public school classroom and instead to seek out religious instruction elsewhere."

The Dover case was an important victory for science education. Judge Jones wrote a strongly worded, carefully crafted opinion that should guide future litigation (12). The transcripts of the Dover trial constitute an excellent educational resource, rich in testimony about the nature of science, the evidence for evolution, and the history of deceit in the creationism/ID movement.

The "teach the controversy" hoax.

The ID movement employs a tactic that appeals to the American tradition of "fairness and balance." ID advocates argue that since there is a controversy over evolution, we should "teach the controversy" in public school science classrooms.

The "controversy" is manufactured. Evolutionary biology draws strength from a supporting scientific literature extending across 150 years that includes literally hundreds of thousands of individual papers. Creationists offer no science. In some cases, they have misrepresented science in their efforts to debunk it. For example, in Of pandas and people (9), evolutionary lineages are presented as straight lines linking species, rather than as parts of a tree structure. The incorrect linear model is then used to argue that cytochrome c homology patterns do not conform to evolutionary predictions.

The "just a theory" hoax.

Creationists purposefully confuse the two meanings of the word "theory." In common usage, a theory connotes a statement that is tentative or hypothetical. This is the meaning implied in the frequent claim of ID advocates that evolution is "just a theory." However, science uses the term "theory" differently. When substantiated to the degree that evolutionary theory has been, a theory is regarded as a fact. Practicing biologists operate within the rich context of evolutionary theory, and no part of modern biology, including medicine (13), is completely understandable without it. Scientific arguments are not qualified with clauses that allow for a nonevolutionary scenario.

The "fair and balanced" hoax.

In the name of "fairness and balance," the media have decided to present "two sides" of this story. For example, a day after the Dover decision, National Public Radio aired a commentary by a Heritage Foundation fellow comparing ID to the Big Bang Theory, predicting that eventually it will be widely accepted by scientists (14). By giving uncritical treatment to "both sides," the media convey to the public the false impression that this is a genuine scientific controversy and that each has a substantial body of evidence and convincing argumentation. Journalists should be mindful of the fact that no science supports creationism/ID; 150 years of biological, geological, and physical science supports the modern synthesis of Darwin’s theory. The individuals with scientific credentials who support ideas such as ID actually constitute a rather small group, as recently described in a New York Times article (15).

The "persecuted scientist against the establishment" hoax.

Another plea often articulated by ID proponents is the idea that there is a community of ID scientists undergoing persecution by the science establishment for their revolutionary scientific ideas. A search through PubMed fails to find evidence of their scholarship within the peer-reviewed scientific literature. In the original Wedge document, a key part of the plan to displace evolutionary biology was a program of experimental science and publication of the results. That step has evidently been skipped.

The constant, unanswered assault on evolution is harmful to science and science education. ID and its progeny rely on supernatural explanations of natural phenomena. Yet all of science education and practice rests on the principle that phenomena can be explained only by natural, reproducible, testable forces. Teaching our students otherwise disables the very critical thinking they must have in order to be scientists and is a fundamental distortion of the scientific process. ID is therefore not simply an assault on evolution: it is an assault on science itself.

ID groups have threatened and isolated high school science teachers. Well-organized curricular challenges to local school boards place teachers in the difficult position of arguing against their employers. We have spoken with high school science teachers who feel censored in their efforts to teach the basic principles of science. The legal challenges to local school districts are costly and divert scarce funds away from education into court battles. Although these court battles result in the defeat of ID, they are draining and divisive to local schools.

Finally, the assault on evolution and science threatens our nation’s scientific and technological leadership. Political and economic agendas are interfering with the free flow of scientific information. For example, political appointees have ordered scientists at NASA to eliminate references to the Big Bang Theory and to cease to mention the eventual death of the sun billions of years from now in their comments and publications. Other scientists have been cautioned about speaking out on global warming. These actions disrupt the long-standing tradition of public policy based on the consensus of the scientific community.


There is a wide range of actions that each scientist can take to facilitate good science education. Our experience has shown repeatedly that every action carries weight and represents a very productive use of time. Some of these require little time; some require a more substantial commitment.

Educate yourself.

A few hours with publications available on the websites of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or the National Center for Science Education can help clarify the issues and provide the preparation needed for an effective scientific response to challenges (see Table 1). The decision rendered by Judge Jones in the Dover decision is a particularly excellent resource and is well worth reading in its entirety.

Write letters.

Write to legislators and newspapers. Write to school boards considering actions that might undermine science education. Write to government leaders. Respond to comments made by ID proponents wherever they might appear. The letters need not be long, and even one letter every few months will have a large effect. This is an activity that can and should fit into the schedule of every working scientist. Similarly, call in to talk shows featuring pro- or antiscience guests. Every letter written by authors of this paper has elicited a positive response. The ID program consists entirely of public relations efforts. They have had this playing field to themselves for too long.

Organize campus evolution groups.

This provides an informal way to husband campus resources in evolutionary biology. Seminar series are useful. Regular meetings to plan special events such as Darwin Day celebrations can serve as outreach exercises.

Organize educational support teams.

Scientists can be a compelling resource for teachers in K–12 science programs who are facing pressure from school boards or parents to alter good science curricula in ways that harm students. If a group of such scientists can be organized, individuals need not face unreasonable demands on time, and the group as a whole can provide valuable assistance to educators within the scientists’ state.

Participate in outreach activities.

Go to local schools and talk to classes about science in general and evolution in particular. Go to school board meetings when appropriate and talk to school board members. Talk to local business groups.

Organize educational sessions at national and international meetings.

Major scientific professional societies should embark on a concerted educational effort, directed both at educating scientists about the problem and arming them for an effective response. Resources also must be made available for science teachers at the K–12 levels. Travel grants, where available, should be concentrated on K–12 teachers to make attendance possible.

Revise textbooks.

Scientists engaged in textbook writing should be more cognizant of the need to educate future scientists and science teachers about evolutionary biology. Additional education is required to explain what science is, what defines a scientist, and how the various forms of the scientific method constitute a consistent whole.

Become more effective lobbyists for legislation that improves the atmosphere for science and science funding.

We urge scientists in all 50 states to work with their respective legislatures to enact legislation similar to the bill just introduced in the Wisconsin Legislature. This movement should appeal to a widely shared interest to uphold the standards of science education and should transcend political ideology.

Make yourself available at least occasionally as a local resource.

Creationists are not deterred by the Dover case. There are troubling situations brewing in almost every state. Scientists should use these new cases as teaching opportunities in their own classrooms and should be willing to testify and support the cause of science education in the courtroom.


For academic scientists, there is no greater responsibility than the education of our citizenry, and there is no activity that has a greater impact. For too long, educational programs in biology at the college level have neglected to provide a solid grounding in evolutionary biology, despite its central importance. This background has been left to unstandardized mentions in core courses and to upper-level specialized courses that are often not required. A nationwide overhaul of these programs is essential. New introductory courses are needed to provide a background in evolutionary biology at the very beginning of all programs leading to science or science education degrees, and the courses should be required. New lower-level courses for nonmajors, pitched at a level appropriate for students with minimal science background, are needed to expose as many citizens as possible to evolutionary theory and to introduce them to science.

Work with your legislators.

Identify legislators who are friends of science and work with them, as we have in Wisconsin, to introduce legislation that supports and strengthens science education.

Work with clergy.

As Judge Jones indicated, the creationists have fostered a false duality between science and religion. A majority of people do not hold a literal young-earth interpretation of the Bible. The clerical community has a shared interest in keeping science and religion apart. They do not want religion to be presented as science and, like a large block of religious scientists, do not see any conflict between religious belief and evolutionary theory.

Whether in crafting a tax code, making health care decisions, evaluating the economy, exploring the resolution of world conflicts, evidence-based thinking is the best intellectual tool in our possession. In science, controversies are usually temporary. When scientists have divergent hypotheses, they usually agree on the key experiments that will favor one hypothesis over others. This is because there is a consensus that framing questions in a way that is subject to the test of evidence is the most progressive way to advance knowledge and understanding. In an ideal world, such principles ought to be widely embraced. Students should learn the difference between hard evidence and speculation. They should understand the elements of logic and clear, critical thinking. They need to understand how to suspend belief while gathering and evaluating evidence.

As George Orwell observed, "a mere training in . . . sciences . . . is no guarantee of a humane or skeptical outlook." Yet Orwell advocated universal science education if such an education was structured to focus on "acquiring a method — a method that can be used on any problem that one meets — and not simply piling up a lot of facts" (18).

Within universities, the cultural gap between the sciences and the humanities needs to be bridged. A useful approach is to create courses in critical thinking that combine science and the humanities. Ideally, such courses would include an exploration of contemporary problems from the combined perspectives of the sciences and the humanities, united in the common theme of evidence-based, critical thinking. Given that our universities play a large role in the training of the next generation of government and corporate leadership, investing in a future better guided by evidence-based, critical thinking is the most important investment we can make.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: crevolist; pavlovian; puppetmasters; scienceeducation; usualsuspects; yomommaisanape
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To: Zionist Conspirator
"Oh, so we know the universe could not have been created by G-d because there are no universe factories with "gxds" creating universes on an assembly line."

I never said we could know either way. Why did you have to resort to a prevarication? :)

"I note that evolutionism and theistic religion have one very strange thing in common: the conviction that mankind bears a unique moral obligation to acknowledge his creator."

And I note you're full of it. :)

"Why else would so many atheists act as if there was something "wicked" or "immoral" about denying evolution?"

They don't, you made it up. :) BTW, most people who accept evolution are Christian in the USA, not atheists.

"And as you are well aware, I am a southern redneck."

And how would I have been aware of that?

"I am well aware that self-hating Southerners have to go out of their way to attack Fundamentalist Protestantism to make up for it."

When did you stop your therapy? And, btw, you assume too much.

"But oddly, I am unaware of any burning compulsion to attack anyone else's religion."

Nor am I. You have an active imagination. :)
521 posted on 05/04/2006 9:29:38 AM PDT by CarolinaGuitarman ("There is grandeur in this view of life....")
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To: Elsie
> Spare the prostitute?

"Do not STRIKE her."

Only if she tied the scarlet cord in the window.

522 posted on 05/04/2006 9:43:18 AM PDT by dread78645 (Evolution. A dying theory since 1859.)
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To: CarolinaGuitarman
"Why else would so many atheists act as if there was something "wicked" or "immoral" about denying evolution?"

They don't, you made it up. :) BTW, most people who accept evolution are Christian in the USA, not atheists.

Oh come now. Why are evolutionists on a crusade if there is no fundamental belief in some sort of moral obligation? Why the romantic view of people like Galileo as "martyrs" if what they discovered was of no import whatsoever?

The people who insist the loudest that life has no meaning are the very ones who act the most as if this were not the case. I wonder why you can't see that. Atheists loudly condemn past generations for believing the earth was the center of the universe, but they are the ones who created and sponsor Earth Day and encourage nature worship and even a worldwide totalitarian state to ensure the viability of life on this supposedly totally unimportant planet. Why? If life really is just a fluke, why investigate anything? Ever? Why solve "problems?" Why teach the truth? Why anything at all? I don't see ants fretting themselves into anemia over "problems" or "ethics" or the possibility that a meteor may one day destory this meaningless planet, but the people who insist the universe doesn't care about us act as if the destruction of the earth would frustrate the entire reason for the universe's existence.

BTW, most people who accept evolution are Christian in the USA, not atheists.

Stop playing games. Neither you nor I are chr*stians, and many chr*stian Theistic evolutionists are "ID"ers ("ID" merely being Theistic evolution that insists that G-d occasionally slips from the realm of speculation into the world of hard facts). But I find it most interesting that atheist evolutionists have so much scorn for people like me while respecting people who listen to the voice of science when it comes to creation but who cover their ears and say "La-la-la!" when science tries to tell them that a man can't rise from the dead or that bread and wine can't become the body and blood of a man who supposedly died 2000 years ago. At least people like me are consistent. But somehow this curious attitude seems illustrative of the entire evolutionist position: the purpose of life is to acknowledge the purposelessness of life.

Make lots of money, now. Make Ms. Rand proud.

523 posted on 05/04/2006 9:43:24 AM PDT by Zionist Conspirator (Lo' `aleykha hamela'khah ligmor, 'aval lo' 'attah ben chorin lehibbatel mimennah.)
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To: CarolinaGuitarman
He accused me of misspelling a word I never even used

My bad. I just saw that softball hanging there, shut my eyes and SWUNG!

524 posted on 05/04/2006 10:05:12 AM PDT by LibertarianSchmoe ("...yeah, but, that's different!" - mating call of the North American Ten-Toed Hypocrite)
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To: Dimensio
I guess we'll have to just differ on our definitions of what panspermia is or will be labeled as, defined as.

Actually, panspermia is well-defined. Your definition of the term is not the standard accepted definition.

You seem to ignore part of your own reference to the Wikipedia def of panspermia--the paragraph following noted that there was a lot of slipperiness or fuzziness in terms of the use of the term "panspermia." Certainly you are trying to restrict the definition narrowly. Your choice. As it is mine, to broaden it--as others have.

I suppose you could call the ET explanation a variant of Intelligent Design--certainly.

It is a variant of intelligent design. Proponents of intelligent design have conceded that the "designer" could in fact be an extraterrestrial agent.

Quite so. AND, it CAN also be construed as a variant of panspermia with ET's as the agents spreading life broadly through the universe.

But, that wouldn't fit the political agenda of so many evolutionists so rabidly hostile to Christianity etc.

Please explain.

I'm exceedingly skeptical that you NEED any explanation about that. IF you really seriously are interested in presentations of those FACTS, then the web has plenty of them that you can easily search out. I have no current need to go around and round with you about that.

I have plenty of (for me and many I know) evidence regarding such. But none I want to bother sharing here.

Then, again, why should what you say be believed?

I don't recall my calling you personally to believe anything. Of course, you are welcome to. I'd be blessed if you did. But I have no expectation that a long list of folks will believe a single word I write. I'm not, per se, writing to such folks sitting on the edge of my seat desperate for their agreement. I'm not THAT delusional.

However, there are folks of certain sets of mind and personality--who will search out truth regardless of where it leads them. Perhaps some of them will find some merit or at least have some curiosity triggered by what I write. That will be wonderful. Most of that will go on with lurkers whom I will never know about this side of eternity.

Those who prefer to vigorously . . . perhaps rigidly, narrowly, brittle-ly prefer to cling to their own limited constructions on reality are welcome to their world views. I have no need to try and teach every critter to sing. I can't really, even sing myself. But, I share for those for whom my words may be of some value. I sleep quite well whether they agree or disagree; believe or disbelieve.

Sufficient feedback has arrived over the years by FREEPMAIL and email and otherwise for me to be comforted that it's worth the bother. If it's not worth your bother--you are welcome to skip every post I write.

But you could track it down at Dr Stephen Greer's DISCLOSURE PROJECT and a plethora of other sites. But it would be a bit of a tedious task. It's not set out per se as about that topic. The evidence is mixed in amidst a bunch of other stuff of varying quality and import, depending on the sources and sites etc.

I was not aware that the Disclosure Project included in its agenda an attempt to replace the theory of evolution with a theory stating that extraterrestrials were involved with the development of life on earth. Do you have a reference? Moreover, I was also not aware that the Disclosure Project had been making any significant headway amongst biologists.

Of course not. I'm not sure which part of the following was unclear:

But it would be a bit of a tedious task. It's not set out per se as about that topic.

The evidence at the DISCLOSURE PROJECT site is incidental to other presentations, evidence, discussions, reports, personal experiences etc. I suspect you have learned some things incidentally while studying other things. It's a fairly common human experience.

Perhaps my: I have plenty of (for me and many I know) evidence regarding such. But none I want to bother sharing here. But you could track it down . . . was unclear.

1. Ferretting out the incidental evidence amongst piles of evidence with a different focus is not my need.
2. I don't plan to provide you with any reference. You are well able to research such things yourself.
3. YOU are most WELCOME to disbelieve every word I write, if it so suits you. 4. Those who are well read in the field are aware of the evidence I'm speaking of regarding the claims of variouis races of ET's.
5. Those who are lurking or otherwise constructively curious are also well able to read through the tons of evidence available at such sites as:



There's tons of such sites with info regarding the ET's claims about seeding earth with life; bio-engineering humans etc. But such info is LARGELY incidental to other issues and presentations in the field. Occasionally one may find a thread devoted to that topic. IF you are truly interested in such, you can search it out. I have no need to do that for you.

In terms of biologists and the topics at the DISCLOSURE SITE . . . biologists are represented more or less proportionally amongst the piles of documents in the field. That info, too, is even more incidentally available.

I would not expect biologists to--as a group--jump on the ET bandwagon unless and until the whole field is outted and more or less wholesale verified public knowledge. However, there are reports from some biologists who've had experiences and even some who've been involved in highly secret work related to the field. I have no need to track those references down either. Believe what you want.

Some folks are now claiming that the puppet masters will likely NEVER disclose, admit, declassify the whole vast area regarding ET's, UFO's etc. I think differently. I believe such phenomena will be involved in setting the world up for a global government--and--probably--even involved in enforcing such things in a very tyrannical, hyper controlling way.

The SLAG implant is one example of that. SLAve taG computer ID chip implant which will be required of all world citizens seems to have origins in the ET phenomena.

Those who believe that such will never be allowed in the public domain believe so because of all the botched super serious errors on the part of the human handlers in government and the realm of the puppet masters. Such folks are afraid of being lynched if their errors in managing the ET problem are revealed.

Others insist that ET's are not ready for it to be public and are preventing it. Others disagree and insist that at some point the ET's themselves will make things abundantly clear in a very overt and public way.

I'm just convinced that it all will factor into the rush to a global government. And, that at some point, ET's and UFOS will be 'routine' daily aspects of public reality very overtly.

Time will tell. Until then. Laugh at your leisure. Shake your head in dismay. Cluck your tongue. Guffaw in derision. It doesn't really matter that much. The die is cast. The script is mostly written. The play in many acts will unfold.


525 posted on 05/04/2006 10:05:27 AM PDT by Quix (TRY JESUS. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.-- Bible Belt Bumper Sticker)
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To: Quix

Wow. Weirdness in blue. Dazzling.

526 posted on 05/04/2006 10:09:42 AM PDT by Right Wing Professor
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To: Zionist Conspirator
"Oh come now. Why are evolutionists on a crusade if there is no fundamental belief in some sort of moral obligation?"

They aren't on a crusade.

"Why the romantic view of people like Galileo as "martyrs" if what they discovered was of no import whatsoever?"

He's used by both sides actually, though it's laughable when an anti-evo tries to paint themselves as a victim of repression. What is important is that rational thought is not abandoned for mysticism, like ID/creationism.

"The people who insist the loudest that life has no meaning are the very ones who act the most as if this were not the case."

Again you make things up. Evolution does not say that life has no meaning, nor do supporters of evolution say that.

"Atheists loudly condemn past generations for believing the earth was the center of the universe, but they are the ones who created and sponsor Earth Day and encourage nature worship and even a worldwide totalitarian state to ensure the viability of life on this supposedly totally unimportant planet."

No, that's socialists. BTW, evolution isn't atheistic anyway, so who cares what atheists say or don't say?

"Stop playing games."

Stop making things up. :)

"Neither you nor I are chr*stians, and many chr*stian Theistic evolutionists are "ID"ers ("ID" merely being Theistic evolution that insists that G-d occasionally slips from the realm of speculation into the world of hard facts)."

Actually, ID says that God (the designer) never enters the world of hard facts; if he did, it would be possible to find some trace of Him, some evidence. Instead, ID'ers say that an unknowable designer did unknowable things at an unknowable time in an untestable way. It's a sham.

Theistic evolutionists do not pretend that their theology is science.

My point stands; most people who accept that evolution is correct (common descent, descent with modification) are also Christians.

"At least people like me are consistent."

Consistently wrong.

"But somehow this curious attitude seems illustrative of the entire evolutionist position: the purpose of life is to acknowledge the purposelessness of life."

That's a lie.

"Make lots of money, now."

That's what the ID'ers/creationist proponents are doing; making money off of fools.
527 posted on 05/04/2006 10:11:01 AM PDT by CarolinaGuitarman ("There is grandeur in this view of life....")
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To: puroresu; Zionist Conspirator
Zionist Conspirator: There's no atheist nastier than a self-hating redneck.

"The South Is Under Attack" ping for puroresu, courtesy of Darwin CentralTM, "The Conspiracy that cares", and a native Texan.

528 posted on 05/04/2006 10:11:52 AM PDT by LibertarianSchmoe ("...yeah, but, that's different!" - mating call of the North American Ten-Toed Hypocrite)
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To: LibertarianSchmoe

"My bad. I just saw that softball hanging there, shut my eyes and SWUNG!"

You were right; I just added some more info. :)

529 posted on 05/04/2006 10:12:14 AM PDT by CarolinaGuitarman ("There is grandeur in this view of life....")
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To: LibertarianSchmoe
Zionist actually says HE'S the redneck, and that I should have known this already.

His calling me a self-hating southerner is, let's just say, amusing. :)
530 posted on 05/04/2006 10:13:59 AM PDT by CarolinaGuitarman ("There is grandeur in this view of life....")
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To: CarolinaGuitarman

You have to understand that Catholics and most Protestants are actually atheists.

Looking at the official guidebook to acceptable belief, only a tiny fraction of Christian denominations, plus 1.2 billion Muslims actually qualify as believers.

531 posted on 05/04/2006 10:17:26 AM PDT by js1138
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To: js1138
I'm one of the few people around here who doesn't claim certain knowledge of the One True Waytm to read scripture, thus I don't debate when such experts offer their worthy opinions.
532 posted on 05/04/2006 10:21:10 AM PDT by PatrickHenry (Unresponsive to trolls, lunatics, fanatics, retards, scolds, & incurable ignoramuses.)
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To: Zionist Conspirator
Neither you nor I are chr*stians, and many chr*stian Theistic evolutionists are "ID"ers ("ID" merely being Theistic evolution that insists that G-d occasionally slips from the realm of speculation into the world of hard facts).

I'm not sure what your aversion to the word, Christian, is about, but the fact is that most of the 20 million or so scientists in this country are Christians.

533 posted on 05/04/2006 10:21:27 AM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: PatrickHenry

There are many mansions, saith the prophet, and I'm sure there are short buses in heaven for those who require them.

534 posted on 05/04/2006 10:25:54 AM PDT by js1138
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To: js1138
I'm sure there are short buses in heaven

Do they run on time?

535 posted on 05/04/2006 10:37:27 AM PDT by Coyoteman (Creationists know Jack Chick about evolution.)
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To: Coyoteman

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

536 posted on 05/04/2006 10:38:29 AM PDT by js1138
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To: Right Wing Professor
So glad you 'enjoyed' it.

--'DOC BLUE'--the Bright Blue Professor

537 posted on 05/04/2006 10:41:34 AM PDT by Quix (TRY JESUS. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.-- Bible Belt Bumper Sticker)
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To: LibertarianSchmoe

Thanks for the ping! :-)

I don't bother to debate every opinion about the South, but I do try to correct factual errors.

How are you today, BTW? I'm enjoying a day of (mostly) lurking!

538 posted on 05/04/2006 10:47:39 AM PDT by puroresu (Conservatism is an observation; Liberalism is an ideology)
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To: LibertarianSchmoe

And I should have added, it's also rather stupid to constantly bash the most Republican and conservative region of the country, particularly since without that region John Kerry would be president and Leftist Democrats would control both houses of Congress, and Roberts & Alito thus wouldn't be on the Supreme Court. Stupid, that is, if those doing the bashing are conservative as claimed.

Where would we, as conservatives, be without the hated Southern Strategy? The GOP is limp-wristed enough as it is. Imagine if the religious right and/or Southerners were ousted from the party, as some here seem to desire.

539 posted on 05/04/2006 10:55:48 AM PDT by puroresu (Conservatism is an observation; Liberalism is an ideology)
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To: CarolinaGuitarman
They (IDers) are also consistent in being ironic, what with all the references to Galileo, demands for open-mindedness, and delusions of persecution.

Rednex 2.0, now with Self-LoathingTM A.I.!

540 posted on 05/04/2006 10:56:01 AM PDT by LibertarianSchmoe ("...yeah, but, that's different!" - mating call of the North American Ten-Toed Hypocrite)
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