It's obvious you're fired up about this and we have a different POV, so I won't take this too much further before it heats up and I get zapped by a kitty.
I don't think the guest worker program is akin to amnesty and I think the dems' position is worse. Since we have to choose between two options, I'll take the GOP, which isn't as bad. The alternative, not voting, voting 3rd party, or voting dem would make the situation worse, let alone the other pressing issues.
The same argument you're making could be made about the deficit. Neither justify ignoring the dems' outrageous behavior. IMHO.
The guest-worker program changes the status of the illegal to legal. That's all it does. This will facilitate the guest-worker to obtain a driver's license. It will make it easier for them to get government services. Healthcare, Education and Welfare services will still be free. Isnt' that a great improvement? These are the things U.S. Citizens have overwhelmingly spoken out in opposition to. Our current President disagrees with them. The fact that he does and is in a position of power, and has backing in the Senate and House is the worst possible scenario for our nation.
As for whether this is an amnesty or not, it has been suggested by this President that a road to citizenship should be provided for these folks. No matter what you want to call it, these people will be naturalized. If you want to call this process a pancake, I don't care. It is still going to wind up in citizenship for people who broke our nation's laws.
You and I don't just disagree about which plan is worse, the Republicans or Democrats. They are both dead wrong on this topic. Since the Republicans are in a position to exert their will, they are the worst culprits at this point in time. If the Democrats were in power and doing nothing about it, they would be the worse. They aren't.
I supported the Republicans gaining control over the Legislative and Executive branches of government. On this topic, it was a wasted effort. I backed them so they could cater to foreign naitonals on my dime against my will.
Haven't you been paying attention? The May Day Boycott isn't about any "guest worker program"...forgetaboutit. They are demanding FULL AMNESTY. Nothing else. There in lies the problem.
We're so darn addicted to cheap labor, they perceive they have us by the throat. But in reality, we hold all the cards, and refuse to call their bluff. What are they going to do? GO HOME? LOL.
How dumb can we be? They are in no position to "demand" anything. They are Illegal foreigners who have come here on their own free will..They made their bed, so it's our way or the highway..