To: cva66snipe
The Fords are notoriously corrupt and I can't stand that damn arrogant congressman, Harold Ford. It's disgusting and quite frightening to hear his name bandied about as a possible VP nominee.
Frist isn't running for reelection, is that right?
=== I doubt I'll be here to reply to you tonight. It's late and I am tired.
730 posted on
04/26/2006 11:58:06 PM PDT by
To: onyx
The Fords are notoriously corrupt and I can't stand that damn arrogant congressman, Harold Ford. It's disgusting and quite frightening to hear his name bandied about as a possible VP nominee. Frist isn't running for reelection, is that right? I remember Ford SR heck I even remember Gore Sr being my senator. Ford JR isn't as arrogant as SR and his dad & uncle likely jump him for being too conservative LOL. No Fords for me.
Frist is not running again.
732 posted on
04/27/2006 12:02:51 AM PDT by
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