My complaint about the President's speech was twofold:
1- He said several times that illegals are here to do jobs Americans will not do. That has been demonstrated to be wrong. And it is demeaning to American workers that they will not do whatever needs to be done. But, in a capitalist system, the wages need to reflect the appeal of the job. Just as miners don't want to mine the in the bowels of the earth, they are paid well and so they do it.
2- He said it is not possible to round up 11 million immigrants and deport them. Even if it were true, and I don't think it just might take time, that should not be said. If we so much as say we can't enforce something then it will be as a magnet to attract illegals to this country. Why can't we all just refuse to pay our taxes. The Feds can't put everyone in jail. But, if they even hinted that there would be no consequences to not paying taxes I can assure you many would not.
And lastly, not every immigrant here is an ambitious family man trying to get ahead. Many are drug dealers, gang members and various other undesirables. And let us not forget the pregnant women who sneak across to simply have their children here.
I did not hear any reference to those types of illegals!
What you said!!!!!