I think the whole operation about these non-existent prisons was a sting to bring some of these leakers to the surface. The MSM is so lazy and biased that they ran with this fiction and now this is just another confirmation of it. A brilliant "gotcha" by some Bush insiders that not only smoked out the leakers, but put another nail in the coffin of MSM credibility.
"I think the whole operation about these non-existent prisons was a sting to bring some of these leakers to the surface. The MSM is so lazy and biased that they ran with this fiction and now this is just another confirmation of it. A brilliant "gotcha" by some Bush insiders that not only smoked out the leakers, but put another nail in the coffin of MSM credibility."
I hope you are right and hopefully they can weed out some more RATS with it and then in a big way announce it was a hoax. Can you imagine how stupid the press will look after that? It would make Rather's fraud for 2004 look like child's play.
However I have no hope that are side will do just that. Just like the Iraq documents that have been released too late to disprove the media lies, the same will be done here. Our side has ZERO offense.