Immigration Debate Is Symptomatic of Society Unable to Say 'No'
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Posted Apr 19, 2006
Why Do Ends Justify Means on Immigration?
Wave Flags for Illegal Aliens
Hidden Costs
Phony Flag Waving in American Cities
What makes citizens of a country submit to the demands of people who are not even citizens? What is it that makes people here for decades and centuries cower in front of those here illegally, arriving only yesterday? What is it that makes people unwilling to lay claim to their own land and country?
It is guilt. It is fear. It is a brainwashing that has convinced so many that every member of the world is entitled to U.S. constitutional and welfare "rights." It is a society that no longer believes in itself as a specific culture or even a sovereign country. Worse, it is a society so emotionally weak that it will accept disease, terrorism, crime, bankruptcy and the disintegration of its own chosen laws rather than being called racist, even though such charges are false.
Forty years of sick liberalism has created a public so unsure of its own legitimacy yet so sure of every other culture's and nation's goodness that it cannot say "no" to anyone perceived outside the mainstream. Being an outsider proffers today a nobility and entitlement to "rights" that is beyond the scope and hope of those viewed as merely regular Americans.
In fact, in today's America, the more hostile one is to the country and the more brazen against its historic mores, the more protection and concern comes ones way. Why? Because what greater way to demonstrate one's "tolerance," "sensitivity" and "understanding" than when given precisely to those who are your greatest threat. Showing goodness to your own is labeled "tribalism" while being tolerant of those that differ and even despise is the most shining example of "tolerance."
In today's America, tolerance is God, and the faithful will sacrifice all -- even their security -- to their secular God. Never in history has there been such a need for people to feel good about themselves as is happening in the West. Never have a people become so insecure that they feel unworthy absent the approval of those who deride their ways. Thus, can the foreigner in the land rise with impudence against his benefactors, demanding from them and daring them to say "no.".....
This is the best article I've read recently. More great stuff. We are a country that lacks discipline!!