1 posted on
04/19/2006 1:23:49 PM PDT by
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To: mlc9852
Fish moved from the water to the land, snakes from the land to planes. :)
To: mlc9852
Are these the same guys that say the earth is getting warmer?
4 posted on
04/19/2006 1:26:29 PM PDT by
(God Bless Jesse Helms!)
To: mlc9852
...a (snakelike) crawling creature with two legs....
Sounds like Jim Carville.
5 posted on
04/19/2006 1:27:21 PM PDT by
To: mlc9852
Tell the truth, you're starting to warm up to this whole evolution thing, aren't you? :-)
6 posted on
04/19/2006 1:28:48 PM PDT by
(I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me)
To: mlc9852
a crawling creature with two legs... Trial lawyers?
7 posted on
04/19/2006 1:28:48 PM PDT by
(FR doesn't suffer fools lightly.)
To: mlc9852
Can't believe a Helen Thomas pick hasn't been posted yet, she comes to mind when you mention a 2 legged fossilized snake...
8 posted on
04/19/2006 1:29:18 PM PDT by
(Proudly catching hell for posting without reading since 2004)
To: mlc9852
Modern pythons still have the remains of these legs in the form of vestigial leg spurs.
Here is a picture of a Ball python's leg spurs (used with permission: MBaumeister's ball python Peton)
9 posted on
04/19/2006 1:29:37 PM PDT by
(Nuclear-tipped Ballistic Missiles: The Ultimate Phallic Symbol)
To: mlc9852
11 posted on
04/19/2006 1:29:53 PM PDT by
To: mlc9852
13 posted on
04/19/2006 1:31:43 PM PDT by
(Press '2' for English)
To: mlc9852
Another indication snakes may have evolved on land from a burrowing predecessor is the focal process in the snakes' eye.
Snakes which have eyes which are functional (some small, burrowing snakes have eyes which probably only detect light and darkness) use a method of focusing their lens which is different from that of all other vertebrates, including other reptiles.
All other vertebrates focus their eyes by changing the shape of the retina and using eye muscles to do so. Snakes focus their eyes not by changing the shape of the retina, but by moving the lens closer or further from the retina.
The theory is that since the ancestor of the snakes was a burrowing lizard, it was on the way to losing its eyesight totally. When a purely fossorial existence was abandoned for life on the surface, the snake ancestor had already lost the ability to focus in the customary manner, and adopted this alternate procedure.
14 posted on
04/19/2006 1:32:14 PM PDT by
(Non nobis, non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts, and guns made America great.)
To: mlc9852
Snake transport mechanism still fascinates me and I have never quite been able to figure out how they do it.
16 posted on
04/19/2006 1:32:55 PM PDT by
capt. norm
(W.C. Fields: "Hollywood is the gold cap on a tooth that should have been pulled out years ago.")
To: mlc9852
A two legged fossil of a snake????....Lawd'ave mercy not another Ted Kennedy story for the love of Pete.
17 posted on
04/19/2006 1:33:09 PM PDT by
(swim the Tiber, the water is fine)
To: PatrickHenry
23 posted on
04/19/2006 1:33:31 PM PDT by
(Evolution. A dying theory since 1859.)
To: PatrickHenry
26 posted on
04/19/2006 1:36:29 PM PDT by
(Identical fecal matter, alternate diurnal period)
To: mlc9852
Upright snakes????? I THINK that was handled in the Garden of Evil!!
To: mlc9852
A new fossil discovery has revealed the most primitive snake known, a crawling creature with two legs, and it provides new evidence that snakes evolved on land rather than in the sea.
When did they evolve into politicians?
37 posted on
04/19/2006 1:43:09 PM PDT by
(Abuse of power comes as no surprise)
To: mlc9852
2 more missing transitional fossils!
To: mlc9852
Go back and re-read Genesis chapter 3. The serpent HAD legs, part of his punishment was that he would be forced to crawl on his belly. So this story could just as easily lend credibility to the Garden of Eden and Fall of Man.
41 posted on
04/19/2006 1:49:05 PM PDT by
("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
To: mlc9852; Aetius; Alamo-Girl; AndrewC; Asphalt; Aussie Dasher; Baraonda; BereanBrain; betty boop; ...
Well, snakes losing their legs does go along with the account of Genesis 3 ;o)
Evo contortion ping!
50 posted on
04/19/2006 7:59:52 PM PDT by
(Atheist and Fool are synonyms; Evolution is where fools hide from the sunrise)
To: mlc9852
Order of snake evolution:
1. Evolve on land-based four-legged cold-blooded reptile
2. Evolve to land-based two-legged cold-blooded reptile
3. Evolve to land-based legless cold-blooded reptile
4. Graduate law school and enter politics.
59 posted on
04/20/2006 6:57:02 AM PDT by
Jonah Hex
("How'd you get that scar, mister?" "Nicked myself shaving.")
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