To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
"From the post #160 above:"
Again. All who have Acrobat Reader really should download the who document and give it a carefull read. I have gone back to it a number of times in the past month as some of jveritas's translations have become available, just to check with what the Butcher's goons had done in a given time frame.
However, the Harmony documents are set in concrete. So many specifics are brought out on given items,issues. This IIP report however can help one paint a good mental picture as how certain orders where given when and why.
However don't expect long drawn out details on wmd programs from it. Some things you read may surprise you. Some things Saddam only thought where a reality, and hencefurth, Harmony docs that clearly show some given order being given, in some case will be shown to not represent the reality of what happened. As an example, due to Saddams fantasy land, some general may have given an order realizing it meant nothing, but it keep the general from losing his head.
225 posted on
04/17/2006 6:00:29 PM PDT by
(Honor must be earned)
To: Marine_Uncle
With all respects, as a guy who watched thousands of hours of Saddam tapes, to think of Saddam as being in Fantasy land isn't really accurate. Think more Bob De Niro as Al Capone in Untouchables. That is Saddam. If Saddam thought he had WMD, he did. These scientsts feeding US investigators this "we told him we had it but didn't" or better yet "we dumped it next to his palace so we couldn't tell him" crap are simply supplying cover stories. No scientist in their right mind would lie to Saddam. I don't care what CIA or ISG report says it. It is B.S. They were all terrified of Saddam and new he would cut them to pieces if they were caught lying. This country really needs to look at these scientists in context and not just take them at their words, IMHO. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson