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Jerry Falwell: Ex-'gays': Ignored and discounted
WorldNetDaily ^ | 4/15/06 | Rev. Jerry Falwell

Posted on 04/15/2006 5:01:04 PM PDT by wagglebee

I would like to tell you about some people who are often treated as if they do not exist. While they flourish as citizens and are active in our churches across the nation, it is as if they lack reality as far as the so-called mainstream media are concerned.

These people are former homosexuals, sometimes known as ex-gays, who have prevailed over their previous existence.

I imagine they are the most politically incorrect people in our nation.

They do exist, though, and there are untold thousands of them.

But when former homosexuals are depicted on the networks, they are typically unhappy or anxious to return to their former lives. On NBC's "Law and Order: SVU," an ex-gay man returns to his former lifestyles but murders another gay man to hide his backslide. On NBC's "Will & Grace," a meeting of former homosexuals ends with everyone present running off with a same-sex member of the group.

So you see, when these individuals are not being completely ignored, they are being demeaned and put down by those who argue that one cannot overcome homosexuality.

Ex-gay ministries attempt to reach homosexuals with the Gospel of Christ so they can find fulfillment in Him. Former homosexuals learn to overcome their same-sex attractions and often marry and have children.

I am proud to know several former homosexuals. It is thrilling to see them joyously living out their lives. I have actually had the privilege of working with a few individuals who have turned their backs on homosexuality so that they can live fully in Christ.

I actually addressed a rally of ex-gays last year and can tell you that they are living out their faith as fearlessly as any group of people I have seen in quite some time. It is a great pleasure to see people discover true peace, true purpose in Christ.

This isn't a popular notion, by any means. But it is imperative that the Church of Jesus Christ boldly confronts the issues of homosexuality and the power of Christ to enable change.

As Stephen Bennett says, "Jesus never tolerated sin. He confronted it – in love."

Stephen lived the homosexual lifestyle until he was 28. And then he gave his life to Jesus Christ. Today, 16 years later, he is happily married, the father of two, and one of the nation's most courageous spokesmen on overcoming homosexuality through Christ. You can learn more about his story at:

New education effort

This week, the Orlando, Fla.-based Liberty Counsel and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, or PFOX, kicked off their "Change is Possible Campaign." Liberty Counsel, an affiliate ministry of Liberty University, is a national public-interest law firm with offices in Florida and Virginia and hundreds of affiliate attorneys in all 50 states. PFOX is a national organization that supports families touched by homosexuality, advocates for the ex-gay community and educates the public on sexual orientation.

Mat Staver, founder and president of Liberty Counsel, says that in the past several years, as "tolerance" and "diversity" have become popular buzzwords, there has been a corresponding increase in discrimination and intolerance toward those who have made the decision to leave homosexuality. He says that former homosexuals have lost their jobs and been physically assaulted because they dared to tell others that people can and do overcome same-sex attractions.

The two groups are targeting our nation's public schools, many of which have become sectors for promoting homosexual teachings. Mr. Staver says that in many public schools, staff display "Safe-Zone" stickers with pink triangles, and schools hold diversity days to present the message that people are "born gay," but schools consistently exclude the message that people can, and have chosen, to change.

In a recent case, a "diversity day" was actually canceled instead of allowing former homosexuals to attend the school event. That's how adamant many school officials are about homosexuality.

Staver said, "We are confident that this project will help root out intolerance that exists under the guise of tolerance and diversity. There is an ongoing battle over the hearts and minds of our youth. We have an obligation to protect them from the harmful message that people are 'born gay' and cannot choose to change."

In the face of incredible opposition, former homosexuals are declaring to the world that there is hope for change. They are living proof of it, even though, as I earlier noted, they are often treated as if they do not exist. I encourage pastors across this nation to invite people like Stephen Bennett to their churches to confront this modern-day cultural phenomenon. We must address this issue head-on and educate people that change is possible and real.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: exgays; falwell; formerhomosexuals; homosexualagenda; homosexuals; pfox; redemption
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To: DBeers

Google homosexual and violent crime if you want to see the underside of the gay lifestyle that is wrongly being swept under the rug. Pink triangles. UGH

21 posted on 04/15/2006 6:47:06 PM PDT by ClaireSolt (.)
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To: starfish923

I live next door to two former practicing its not that silly. Both had husbands and children and both turned to homosexuality. It happens.

22 posted on 04/15/2006 6:52:13 PM PDT by leenie312
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To: starfish923

It happens. Just cause you "don't buy" it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Try talking with some of them.

23 posted on 04/15/2006 6:59:11 PM PDT by Blogger
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To: wagglebee

Just my thought...But if God is who He says He is...and if He is the God of all truth and unable to lie...then why would He make homosexuals? His word tells us it is an abomination and that all homosexual offenders will go to hell. But his heart's desire is for ALL men to be saved....if he created homosexuals from the get go, then He is contradicting his own word....because they would have no hope of salvation. Homosexuality is a choice...and as such...the choice can be changed.

24 posted on 04/15/2006 7:00:25 PM PDT by leenie312
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To: leenie312

Absolutely correct! God would not make people who were by their very nature incapable of not committing mortal sin.

25 posted on 04/15/2006 7:02:03 PM PDT by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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To: wagglebee
I would suspect former homosexuals are a lot like former pedofiles. Most simply don't stay former for long.

For that matter, if whatever tactic former homosexuals use, then why don't we believe it is effective on supposedly reformed sexual predators.

26 posted on 04/15/2006 7:02:35 PM PDT by joesbucks
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To: wagglebee

The closet of Jesus is large enough for everyone.

27 posted on 04/15/2006 7:03:57 PM PDT by Zeroisanumber
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To: wagglebee
..Jerry Falwell is right on this one...

God would never condemn someone for something that could not be changed through faith in Him--check out the Book...

28 posted on 04/15/2006 7:05:40 PM PDT by WalterSkinner ( ..when there is any conflict between God and Caesar -- guess who loses?)
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To: joesbucks

Based upon what? What data do you have to back up your suspicion. There are people who change orientation. Permanently. Again, I suggest that if you doubt you should talk to some of them.

29 posted on 04/15/2006 7:06:01 PM PDT by Blogger
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To: Blogger

If that is the case, why can a homosexual make the change, but we believe for the most part pedofiles can't. Similar issues, faulty sexual orientation. One same sex, the other sex with minors. Both deviant sexual behavior.

30 posted on 04/15/2006 7:08:50 PM PDT by joesbucks
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To: WalterSkinner

God would not create someone who is incapable of not committing mortal sin.

31 posted on 04/15/2006 7:11:03 PM PDT by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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To: Spyder

"I am proud to know several former homosexuals..."

And you sir, are NO former homosexual... : )

32 posted on 04/15/2006 7:13:00 PM PDT by Hand em their arse
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To: wagglebee
I'd be more inclined to accept ex-gays than this present "reverend".
33 posted on 04/15/2006 7:17:24 PM PDT by onedoug
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To: joesbucks

I believe that anyone, including pedophiles, can change. Neither they nor homosexuals can do so on their own. As with any deviant behavior, it takes help from Above.

34 posted on 04/15/2006 7:20:06 PM PDT by Blogger
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To: joesbucks

I believe that anyone, including pedophiles, can change. Neither they nor homosexuals can do so on their own. As with any deviant behavior, it takes help from Above.

35 posted on 04/15/2006 7:20:06 PM PDT by Blogger
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To: wagglebee

Your triple negative stopped me for a minute, she said scratching her head...(grin)

36 posted on 04/15/2006 7:32:57 PM PDT by leenie312
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To: The Ghost of FReepers Past
Whatever you think about homosexuality, keep it out of the schools.

A loud AMEN to that!

37 posted on 04/15/2006 7:50:48 PM PDT by Spyder
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To: starfish923
Homosexuals cannot change their sexual orientation any more than heterosexuals can. It's not like a suit of clothes. God made us the way we are....Homosexuality is nature's error (probably sets of genes gone awry), an error that, as yet, can't be corrected.

What you say is completely at odds with the Bible.... Rom 1:18-32 is clear that homosexuality & lesbianism is NOT a natural behavior but is the final result in mankind's final depravity & rebellion against God. The Bible refers to homosexuality & lesbianism as vile, unnatural affection. It is absurd to think that God would program unnatural, abnormal, repugnant behavior into some human beings. That argument is straight from homosexual & lesbian talkng points, that "they have no choice in their behavior, it is part of their genetic makeup." That is hogwash and is not supported anywhere in scripture. We all have a sin nature, but we also have a choice in whether we choose to practice & exhibit moral behavior or vile, sinful, unnatural behavior.

1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.

1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

38 posted on 04/15/2006 8:09:12 PM PDT by rcrngroup
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To: starfish923

I don't know where you are getting your junk science - Homosexuality is not normal, it is not genetic, it is not "the way God made them". Homsoexuality is a CHOICE. God created mankind with a plan for us - and homosexuality was not part of that plan. Homosexualitiy is just another on the list of sins brought about by man's disobedience.

39 posted on 04/15/2006 8:12:30 PM PDT by TheBattman (Islam (and liberalism)- the cult of Satan and a Cancer on Society)
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To: starfish923; All
Former homosexuals? Don't buy it either. It's as illogical as former heterosexuals.

Or former alcoholics, or former addicts. They are all one slip away from their old behaviors. Very close too the same success rates too.

40 posted on 04/15/2006 8:15:28 PM PDT by MrEdd (I would have gotten away with it too - if it weren't for those meddling kids and their stupid dog.)
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