What we need, More Conservative Gen-Xers and fewer baby boomers
Xer Ping
Ping list for the discussion of the politics and social (and sometimes nostalgic) aspects that directly effects Generation Reagan / Generation-X (Those born from 1965-1981) including all the spending previous generations (i.e. The Baby Boomers) are doing that Gen-X and Y will end up paying for.
Freep mail me to be added or dropped. See my home page for details and previous articles.
As much as I dislike boomers sticking us with their bills, I don't care if more Gen Xers or Boomers or Gen Yers are elected--as long as they are conservative, pro-Constitution, Gen Xers or Boomers or Gen Yers. If you're a liberal, I don't care if you were born on my f'in birthday and in my hometown and in the exact same situation as me. You ain't getting my support.