You bet it has!!
The audacity of these friggin illegals, the ba**siness----- to bring our nation near anarchy for their own selfish reasons----to compromise our precious democracy in order to rip-off working class Americans. Illegals violated our civil and constitutional rights, and Americans will not tolerate this in any way, shape or form.
Now, here's the way through the illegal jungle, to get these tax-sucking illegals out of our country, subito, without costing us a cent.
Starting now, each and everyone of us should report the improper use of municipal tax funds that might be used for illegal aliens and illegal purposes-------the sustainable argument would be that investors and holders of tax-exempt bonds for transportation and highways, municipal school bonding, utilities bonding, and the like, have been placed in financial jeopardy if towns misused government funds for illegals. The SEC does not like to hear that tax-exempt bondholders have been jeopardized. They should be advised of your concerns. EMAIL
This argument also applies to municipal bonding agents, and banks doing business with municipalities. Most bonding agents conducting municipal business are registered broker-dealers and members of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). NASD and SIPC should also be contacted regarding your concerns about illegal activity.
Banks doing business with municipalities that are conducting illegal activity are jeopardizing bank patrons, shareholders, and depositors and should be reported as follows: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is the primary federal regulator for national banks. The OCC's Customer Assistance Group is available to assist customers with questions or complaints concerning national banks. Email to General information about the Customer Assistance Group is available on their web site:
You can reach one of the OCC Customer Assistance Specialists by calling toll free number, 1-800-613-6743, Monday-Thursday, 9-4, and Friday 9-3.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moreover, banks giving illegal aliens mortgages are violating their fiducuary responsibilities, and misusing the federal sanctioning power of the FDIC, in improper ways, to engage in illegal activity, using fraudulent documentation. That should be pursued with the FDIC, pronto.
If duly elected federal, state, county and municipal officials, under oath of office, are aiding and abetting illegals:
to break US laws,
to take money under the table,
to not report tax implications,
to aid and abet accounting fraud;
to obtain the unlawful right to vote in our elections,
to ignore phony documentation, and,
if elected and appointed officals did, in fact, allow illegals to break the law, to use fraudulent documentaiton, to serve on official municipal councils, and if illegals are making monetary (taxing) decisions for U.S. citizens, and,
if elected and appointed officials took campaign contributions from said illegals, and in the process, deliberately ignored US laws, and enabled illegsals to vote in US elections with fraudulent documentation, that could be characterized as extortion, and/or bribery, and a violation of the Hobbs Act.
The Hobbs Act was used recently to nail four Tenn state legislators and their aids in an extortion scheme. The TENN groups was arrested under the federal Hobbs Act, charging extortion, conspiracy to extort and attempted extortion, and accepting bribes by an agent of the state. The Hobbs Act covers extortion by public officials, as follows: 2403 Hobbs Act -- Extortion By Force, Violence, or Fear
SOURCE October 1997 Criminal Resource Manual 2403 =======================================================
Civic-minded FReepers should alert law-enforcement authorities to possible wrongdoing and ask law-enforcement organizations to determine the culpability of state and municipal elected officials complicity in failing to enforce laws governing the activities of ilegal aliens, tenabling illegals to use fraudulent documentation, and the extent to which these activities violated the civil and constitutional rights of Americans.
Elected officials may be violating their oaths of office by failing to act as required when receiving complaints of known incidences of illegal wrongdoing, and by failing to follow government-mandated regulatory reviews.
This could be a violation of public servant Penal Law .135.60 COERCION IN THE SECOND DEGREE (a Class A misdemeanor).
PENAL LAW 135.60 (Committed on or after September 1, 1967) is Coercion in the Second Degree. When an individual uses or abuses his/her position as a public servant by performing some act within or related to his or her official duties, or by failing or refusing to perform an official duty, in such manner as to affect some person adversely. Perform any (other) act which would not in itself materially benefit1the actor but which is calculated to harm another person materially with respect to his or her health, safety, business, calling, career, financial condition, reputation or personal relationships. The term(s), ("crime"), ("public servant") used in this definition has its own special meaning in our law.
~smile and thanks for joing the group!