The whole "RINO governors magically DELIVER their states to the GOP" concept should be buried. We've been able to test this little "theory" nationwide under George Ryan, George Pataki, Tom Ridge, Christie Todd Witless, Jane Swift, Linda Lingle, and of course, Ahhhhhhhnuld. Conclusion: RINOs "deliver" for NOBODY but the left.
TooPinka and Bag-o-$hit are virtual clones on the issues. I think the only option in November is voting third party (and I say this as someone who thought Cal Skinner and his "JimRod the two headed turkey" third party message in the 2002 governor's race was stupid. (and to this day I think Jim Ryan, despite all his flaws, was far preferable to Rod's numbskill adminstration)
I'm not completely in Shufflebeam's corner yet but I'm keeping my options open to see if we can put forth the best third party candidate we can find.
On Wed., I heard Judas interviewed by Spike O'Dell. She said that, according to a recent poll, 80% of Illinois Republicans said that they'll vote for her. I was surprised because about 2/3 of Republicans I know are conservative and won't vote for her.