To: StopDemocratsDotCom
...well I dunno..she might have actually been under the gun when she said those the Air Force Academy they tought us in POW training to say such if it meant the difference between life and death...I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment
31 posted on
04/01/2006 1:20:39 PM PST by
( Non permitte illegitimi te carborundum- "Don't let the bastards grind you down")
To: Armigerous
What bothers me is, what she said in the interviews is not that different from what she said in her articles and columns. No one was holding a gun to her head then, were they?
42 posted on
04/01/2006 1:25:48 PM PST by
(Anonymous sources often means "the voices in my head told me.")
To: Armigerous
at the Air Force Academy they tought us in POW training to say such if it meant the difference between life and death Indeed...many of our brave men and women are trained to say what it takes to stay alive and get free. Why do some FReepers hold her to a higher standard than the brave men and women in our military? I don't get it.
131 posted on
04/01/2006 2:27:34 PM PST by
(A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.)
To: Armigerous
at the Air Force Academy they tought us in POW training to say such if it meant the difference between life and death...I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment...??? When did the US armed forces start taking *that* approach? That's completely the *opposite* of what I was taught in SERE in 1973, and afterwards by the Army.
Has the armed forces stopped using The US Fighting Man's Code?
the infowarrior
151 posted on
04/01/2006 5:00:19 PM PST by
(The GOP runs the US, the Dems run their mouths... Freeper HardStarboard) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson