I agree with your sentiments on voting for people who are at least solid on points important to you.
Frankly, I wrestle with this issue. As voters we're being played like a violyn. Our leaders seem to think it's okay to do despicable things on one issue, thinking we'll always be there to avoid Hillary or some other idiot. I'm so tired of the triangulation game. The Third-Way idiots have pushed me to the point that I have morphed the term triangulation to (s)triangulation. They have finally pushed most of us to the point that we feel almost strangled, just enough strength left to vote to avoid something, never for something.
I have come so close to declaring that I will never vote for a Republican again. This after voting for nothing but for thirty years. I am as disgusted as I can possibly be at the state and federal levels. God forgive me, but I think it would do the Republican party good to get zero votes for just one election cycle. "ZERO"
Yes, I know, we would give power to the Democrats. And yes I know, that would be screwed. You know what, at least I'd be screwed by folks who are my sworn enemies, and not my own side stabbing me in the back over and over and over and over again.
Well, I feel better now... time to take my medication.
LOL, you take care.
BTW, Illegal immigration has been on my radar since 1986. Here we go again, with ALL the exact SAME PROMISES. We'll let them in, then gain control of the border. Like I'm ever going to fall for that one again.
Thanks for your post 79. You expressed some of the problems that I am wrestling with viz-a-viz some Republican politicians. It's frustrating to the nth degree and I see no solution soon.