You and I couldn't agree more, regarding liberalism, socialism and Marxism being the root cause of the immigration problem. I'd even agree that if we want to solve the problem, we treat the symptoms. If we crush liberalism I have no doubt that these woes and others will subside. I also agree that a return to the consitition is warranted. Along with you, I am thankful that Bush is appointing some good judges. As far your comments go, I consider them to be quite solid. I'm glad we can agree on them.
We both agree that the beast must be slain. Are we seeing the beast slain? I think we can agree that some actions are being taken to weaken the beast. I also think that if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that the beast is alive and looking quite well.
To a greater degree than ever before, this goes beyond the political spectrum today. Within the last two weeks, we dodged a bullet as it relates to our free speech. By the narrowest of margins, we retained our ability to voice our support for political candidates prior to elections.
I firmly believe that John Kerry would be president today if it weren't for the intenet, and my observation on that point is that John McCain and Ted Kennedy are working as feaverishly as possibly, to remedy this situation. What would this do to our ability to slay the beast? With regard to Kerry, it would have set back that effort by at least four and possibly eight years, perhaps more. These days my thoughts often turn to how long we can continue to watch our nation slide down hill with regard to open borders.
Beyond the problem of what happens when liberals hold power, is the problem of what happens when "conservatives" hold power. Is the beast weakened by doubling the education budget? Is the beast weakend by our side signing bills that limit free speach? Is the beast weakened by unwittingly allowing the border policies advocated by a number of radical leftistist organizations that have links to some of the worst elements on the planet, to be observed? Is the beast going to be defeated by legalizing the massive flow of poor under-educated people into our nation?
When 500,000 thousand people move onto the streets of the United States in mass, in one city alone, carrying signs that leave no doubt what their goals are for the immediate future of our nation, is it weakening the beast to continue to ingore what must be done? I have been advocating more sane border policy for the last twelve years. You have been advocating a return to the Constitution for at least that long, perhaps much longer. I have shared that desire. In all honestly Jim, have we won? Do you see our policies being rolled back to the founding principles anytime soon?
Do you think health care benefits for illegal immigrants are going to be removed any time soon? Do you think free education to the millons of children of illegal immigrants will be denied any time soon? In short, do you honestly think the beast is on the brink of extermination?
I believe we have fifteen to twenty-five million illegal immigrants in the U.S. at this moment. If a guest-worker program is implemented to eliminate the need for illegal immigration, it will have to provide access to at least three to five million people per year. If it doesn't, everyone that can't get on a guest-worker program, will simply continue to immigrate illegaly. Either way, the inward flow will remain at three to five million or higher. And once those folks come here, they will still have access to free health care and education.
If we do not cut off the flow, we will have upwards of 100 million new recent foreign nationals by the end of ten years from this moment. If we wait until we kill the beast, the beast is going to kill us off first. Our suicidal policies are going to facilitate that for us.
Jim, the leftist advocates of hispanic illegal immigration are unified with the very elements of the beast that you mentioned in your response to me. How will we ever stand a chance to kill that beast, if we import lovers of the beast in vast enough numbers to perpetually vote in people who love the beast?
As bad as the beast is, we have barely skimmed by, by the skin of our teeth the last two elections. As folks are naturalized in massive numbers, they are not going to suddenly disaprove of the beast. they will have been in bed with it so long, they'll know nothing else.
As many views as you and I share, I cannot sign on to putting off what needs to be done until we have slain the beast. The beast has nearly eaten our southern border. It's feasting upon goods and services and is longingly looking to our electoral votes and some of the few bones that haven't been licked clean.
I long for simple answers to this problem Jim. I believe there may have been some ten years ago or more. Today only hard choices remain. If we do not make the ones now that will return our nation to the rule of law and undo what we have allowed to take place, and in fact resort to implementing laws that will simply legalize what was illegal, the beast will have completed an end run on us.
We stand on the brink. Our future is ours to choose. Will we select options that will truly return us to the founding principles on all counts, or will we put that off and continue in another direction, down the road to an alternate nation foreign to us all.
I appologize for taking so long to respond. Because I did, I pinged folks that had participated on this thread, thinking they might be interested.