Even before Prop 187, the Hispanic vote usually broke for Democrats by a 2-1 margin, on rare occasion, a statewide GOP canidate maybe got close to 40%, but that was on rare occasion, and that was when the Hispanic vote was largely 3rd generation + Mexican-Americans.
Again, go to the Barrios, hardly bastions of social conservatism.
Would you mind showing the source on that. I couldn't find it on google. What I could find is that the California hispanic vote went 75% for Clinton in 96, following that proposition. And more importantly that Bush is reversing that trend nationwide.
Again, go to the Barrios, hardly bastions of social conservatism.
In any poor neighborhood with bad lawenforcement, you're going to have the hookers and the dealers upfront while the rest of the folks stay in their apartments. That hardly proves they don't exist. In fact W getting 44% of latino vote shows that they are quite prevalent.