Would you mind showing the source on that. I couldn't find it on google. What I could find is that the California hispanic vote went 75% for Clinton in 96, following that proposition. And more importantly that Bush is reversing that trend nationwide.
Again, go to the Barrios, hardly bastions of social conservatism.
In any poor neighborhood with bad lawenforcement, you're going to have the hookers and the dealers upfront while the rest of the folks stay in their apartments. That hardly proves they don't exist. In fact W getting 44% of latino vote shows that they are quite prevalent.
Buddy, in California, I saw first hand how working class neighborhoods that were low crime decline into barrios. South LA county is a prime example, aslo the San Fernando valley and many parts of San Jose as well.
Also, look up congresional quarterly at the library, you can see exit poll information, I looked a while back, and except for the 84 election(When Reagan got a little over 40% of the Hispanic vote in CA), Hispanics usually went close to 2-1 Democratic.
As for the 44% figure, much of that 44% came from Cubans in FL and 3rd, 4th and 5th generation Mexican Americans in Texas and New Mexico, states where voters who were mostly immigrants or 2nd generation had the Hispanic vote over 2-1 for Kerry.